
Rabbits meat helps you to look healthier and get sperms

Rabbit meat: helps you to get more SPERM and health fat. Rabbits have white meat, which means it’s healthier. Rabbit meat nourishes the body with nutritional values like proteins, iron and phosphorus. Its low-calorie content almost equates it to a balanced meal that meets the optimal health goals, compared to beef, and rabbit is relatively […]

Foods people with infertility problems must avoid

Don’t eat anything that depresses body systems or causes nutrient depletion. Cut out refined sugar and white flour, along with fried or processed foods. Animal meat are loaded with chemical that mimic the effects of estrogen, and hormone that in excess can decrease sperm count n infertility. So if you must eat meat, make sure […]

Risks associated with chicken broilers

Billions of people around the world love to consume chicken. But today our media team has decided to bring to you the risks associated with consuming chicken broilers. Chicken world over is considered a white meat and therefore healthier than red meat which is high in fats content. Nonetheless chicken is thought to be healthier […]

New research discoveries show that red meat cases cancer

  New research discoveries by scientists from Harvard Medical School indicate that eating too much red meat causes cancer and heart problems. The same discoveries indicate that eating red meat is one of the factors leading to early death. The scientists advise that the people eating red meat should substitute its intake with other protein […]

Henry Tumukunde serves guards meat

Despite being silent these days, former CMI chief, Brig. Henry Tumukunde is still a flamboyant man, kind and social. On Saturday he treated his guards and friends in Kampala to a meat and ‘drinks’ festival. By around 3pm, Tumukunde welcomed his pals to his Kololo residence for some talk and when they were around him, he ordered […]