By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
Auto, believer, born again christians, choice, christian faith, courts of law, divine mercy, Draft, faith, favour, god, informers, last, law, meaning, Media, Muwanguzi, Pastor, pastor joseph, today, traditional names, winner
Latest Uganda News
Ultimate Media Born again Christians across the country whose names don’t have meaning that praises God have chosen new names which have deep meaning in the Christian faith. We have been informed that many born again Christians have dropped their meaningless traditional names in favour of names such as Divine, Mercy, Grace, Muwanguzi (winner) among […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
Capital, conjoined twins operation, deputy director, director, doreen, egyptian capital cairo, Egyptian government, hospital dr, hospital management, hour, intensive care unit, Media, Mulago Hospital, operation, progress, remarkable progress, support, team, Ultimate, unit, violent protests
Latest Uganda News
Mulago hospital personnel have revealed that the conjoined twins that were successfully separated on Saturday in Cairo are making remarkable progress. Timothy and Trevor born in the Western district of Kabale five months ago underwent an 8 hour operation carried out by a team of doctors in the Egyptian capital Cairo. The deputy director Mulago […]
By Gerald Businge on November 17, 2011
Auto, budget, dr martin, Dr. Martin Okmal, Draft, Electricity, Hospital, lack, line, meagre, Media, medical superintendent, problem, scarcity, scarcity of water, state house, superintendent, Uganda health, water
Latest Uganda News
Grade B hospital in Entebbe town has failed to reopen due to the long hours of load shedding. The hospital’s medical superintendent, Dr. Martin Okmal says that the hospital has failed to handle complicated cases like operating on delivering women due to lack of electricity in the hospital. He says that they recently closed the […]
By Gerald Businge on November 15, 2011
achievement, activists, Activists for Change, Auto, Bureau, bureau of statistics, change, country, development, Draft, forum, government pressure, grievances, losing hope, mathias, Mathias Mpuga, Media, October, possible solutions, pressure group, today, treason, vow, walk to work
Latest Uganda News
Pressure group Activists for Change have vowed to continue with their activities until Government finds solutions to people’s grievances. The A4C coordinator Mathias Mpuuga says that apart from the walk to work campaigns, they will continue several activities including sensitising the public about ways of forcing the Government to find possible solutions to the country’s […]
By Gerald Businge on November 15, 2011
Auto, business, calm, central business district, demonstrations, Draft, electricity shortage, explanation, hour, Kikuubo, load shedding in Uganda, Luwum, matter, Media, nasser, power distributor, protests, riot, riot police, shortage, Uganda protests, Ultimate, UMEME, william streets
Latest Uganda News
The Kampala central business district is calm, hours after traders staged demonstrations in different parts. The protests were brought about following several days without power. Several traders accused power distributor, UMEME of switching off power for days without any explanation on the matter. The traders began their strike at Nasser Road; thereafter it spread to […]
By Gerald Businge on November 11, 2011
Auto, Butambala, Butambala district, chief administration officer, compensation, Construction, district chief, Draft, god, gravels, law, mandate, Media, money, officer, payment, quarries, RCC, Reynolds, reynolds construction company, way
Business & Finance, Business news, Latest Uganda News
Butambala district has asked Reynolds Construction Company (RCC) to pay it for the quarrying mines it has in the area. The Butambala district Chief Administration Officer, Joseph Byaruhanga says that they wrote to the RCC head offices asking for payment for the gravels but the company has declined to respond positively. According to Byaruhanga, RCC […]
By Gerald Businge on November 10, 2011
affairs minister, afternoon, allegations, amama, Amama Mbabazi, bribes, Chemaswet, general, hillary, Hillary Onek, House, innocence, internal affairs, Mbabazi, Media, minister, Ministers, MPs, oil companies, Prime Minister, resolutions, suspension
Latest Uganda News
The motion seeking the suspension of the Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and Internal Affairs minister Hillary Onek from the house has dominated the debate in parliament this afternoon. According to the motion moved by Kween county MP Chemaswet Kisosi, the MPs want the two to step down pending investigations into allegations to taking massive bribes from […]
By Gerald Businge on November 8, 2011
Auto, club rouge, dancing, Draft, fount, guy, handsome guy, handsome guys, Hatarudi, hot kiss, kampala, Man, Media, outlet, photo journalist, revelers, sex, shillings, singer, SONG, ululations, yesterday
Kampala has some captivating handsome guys, at least singer Juliana Kanyomozi fount it yesterday at Club Rouge when she was performing on stage. When she sang Hatarudi song, a handsome guy jumped from the revelers and went straight on stage. He started dancing with her and then finally gave her a hot kiss. This sex excited […]
By Gerald Businge on November 7, 2011
association, Auto, choice, city transport, contract, control, Draft, hajji, Kampala city, KCCA, Media, moses, Moses Katongole, national chairperson, October, president, public transport, taxi, today, transport command, transport in Kampala city, UTODA
Gossip, Latest Uganda News
The national chairperson of UTODA, Hajji Moses Katongole has assured drivers in Kampala that their association is still in control of the transport affairs in both old and new taxi parks. Katongole has also denied media reports that KCCA has taken over control of the daily management of public transport in Kampala. Katongole further assured drivers that KCCA […]
By Gerald Businge on November 4, 2011
Auto, buganda, cannot, central government, Draft, government officials, government reports, hate campaign, mafias, Media, Museveni, neck, overheard, president, President Museveni, press, press secretary, problem, secretary, statehouse, tamale, Tamale Mirundi
Gossip, Latest Uganda News
We cannot tell exactly who the mafias in the government are but the presidential press secretary Tamale Mirundi insists that mafias now are pressuring president Museveni to sack him. Sources at statehouse have informed us that the so called mafias have already told Museveni that it is better to sack Mirundi alleging that it is […]