By Gerald Businge on December 9, 2011
allegiance, article 81, Auto, bribery, Constitution, Draft, election victory, hand, Luweero, Member, member of parliament, National Resistance Movement, oath of allegiance, oaths, Parliament, Parliament of Uganda, person, reelection, Resistance, voter, woman mp
Celebrity gigs, Latest Uganda News
The incoming woman MP for Luweero district, Brenda Nabukenya will take oath of allegiance on Tuesday next week. The ceremony will be presided over by the Clerk to Parliament, who will work hand in hand with the speaker of Uganda Parliament, Ms Rebecca Kadaga. Article 81 (4-5) of the Constitution requires every person elected to […]
By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2011
body, guidance, Kabakumba, land, local market, Member, member of parliament, minister, minters, municipality, national guidance, Parliament, president, President Museveni, private radio, private station, resignation, saying, scandals, self, shillings, tax payers, UBC, van
Latest Uganda News
The Member of Parliament for Masaka municipality Mathias Mpuga has called for the resignation of the minister for presidency Kabakumba Matsiko and the minister for information national guidance Mary Okuruti over the scandals they are involved in at UBC. Mpuga told journalist at parliament that Matsiko was the minister of information and national guidance a time when many UBC […]
By Gerald Businge on November 24, 2011
Caucus, Central, circles, Citizens, door, element, FDC, JEEMA, Kyankwanzi, Medde, Member, Mohammed Nsereko, mp, NRM, opposition, opposition party, Parliament, ppp, president, summons, Uganda opposition
Members of opposition are now free to start attending NRM closed door meetings if they so wish. A source in NRM parliamentary caucus has intimated to us that the supporters of DP, FDC, UPC, JEEMA and PPP among other opposition party are free to go to Kyankwanzi when the president summons NRM cadres to go […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
birth, eagles, garment, Jackie Tusiime, kampala, knickers, Member, moral values, Obsession, obsessions, oli, revelers, Rouge, singing group, SONG, undergarment, way, website, yesterday
Latest Uganda News
We don’t know what is happening to Ugandan girls. Many of them have completely lost moral values. Yesterday we were shocked to see ms Jackie Tusiime, a popular member of The Obsessions all girls singing group displaying her under garment to whoever would want to see at Club Rouge in Kampala. Jackie had gone to Club […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
analog, analog to digital, Broadcasting, citizen, common market, digital broadcasting, digital migration, digital technology, digital TV migration, Eastern, Information, information and communication technology, Member, Nyombi, set boxes, shillings, state, state minister, technology, tembo, today, tv signals, Uganda Digital Broadcasting
Latest Uganda News
The government is proposing to waive taxes on top set boxes that viewers will need to watch TV as the country moves towards switching off analog to digital broadcasting. The world’s switch off deadline will be in 2015 with countries having to transfer from analog broadcasting to digital technology though East African member states agreed […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
Auto, chief magistrate, court judgment, dismissal, Draft, elections act, half, half hours, high blood pressure, home, judgment, Kibuuka, maurine, Member, member of parliament, Monday, NRM, order, parliamentary career, party, presidential elections, seat
Latest Uganda News
Ultimate Media The former Member of Parliament for Lubaga North, Singh Katongole has reportedly developed high blood pressure after losing his seat to his rival, Moses Kasibante on Monday 24/oct/2011. We have been reliably informed that Singh has not eaten anything and he is bedridden at home since Monday when the High Court sitting inKampala declared […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
bearer, Brenda Nabukenya, Democratic Party, embezzlement, flag bearer, Gwokyalya, Lugudde, Luwero, Luwero Woman MP, malpractices, Member, member of parliament, Nabatanzi, Namagambe, National Resistance Movement, NRM, Parliament, party flag, race, Resistance, returning officer, woman member, woman mp
Latest Uganda News
The Democratic Party flag bearer in the by-elections for Luwero district Woman Member of Parliament, Brenda Nabukenya has beaten other five candidates in the polls that were held yesterday 21st of November 2011. The seat fell vacant after the High Court nullified the election of Rebecca Nalwanga of the National Resistance Movement on grounds that she […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
dams, draught, energy sector, engineer, excuse, irregularities, lake, Member, Members of Parliament, MPs, new dam, old dam, parliamentary committee, plant, power, power generation, pressure, sector, water, water levels
Latest Uganda News
Members of parliament on the parliamentary committee investigating irregularities in the energy sector have discovered that Nalubale power plant is producing more power than kiira power plant yet there have been claims that the new dam was constructed to relieve pressure from the old dam. A member of this committee engineer Gabriel Ajedra says that […]
By Gerald Businge on November 19, 2011
allegations, amama, Auto, bribe, Busiro, chairperson, contempt, decision, discipline committee, dismissal, Draft, Medard Segona, meeting the prime minister, Member, member of parliament, mister, onek, Parliament, Privileges, privileges committee, Rules and Privileges committee, scandal, today, Uganda parlaiment, witness
Latest Uganda News
The Member of Parliament for Busiro East In wakiso district Medard segona has excused himself from the Rules , privileges and discipline committee which is now establishing whether two ministers Hilary onek and Amama Mbabazi were not in contempt of parliament for them not to step over oil bribe scandal allegations. Segona announced this today while this committee […]
By Gerald Businge on November 17, 2011
adhoc committee, Auto, call, committee chairperson, committee proceedings, Draft, entebe, government, House, Member, member of parliament, Members of Parliament, Michael Werikhe, oil, oil committee, oil company executive, oil policy, Peter Nyombi, president, President Museveni, Report, sector, state, time
Latest Uganda News
The Attorney General Peter Nyombi has run out of the Adhoc committee investigating oil sector to attend to president Museveni’s oil meeting at Entebbe state house with Tullow Oil Company executive and left members on this oil Adhoc committee furious. The Attorney General peter Nyombi had been summoned by the oil Adhoc committee chaired by […]