By Isaac Senabulya on April 1, 2015
132nd Inter Parliamentary Union, Hanoi, Infant Mortality, Inter Parliamentary Union Assembly, maternal mortality, MDGs, Millenium Development Goals, Rebecca Kadaga, SDGs, Speaker of Parliament, Sustainable Development Goals, Vietnam
Latest Uganda News, Politics

The Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga has challenged Members of Parliament to embrace the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) following the expiry of the Millennium Development Goals. “It is our responsibility not only to understand but to be able to appreciate the fundamentals in order to facilitate the implementation of the SDGs.” Kadaga was addressing the […]
By Emma Laura N. Kisa on February 27, 2015
Beyond Zero, Child health, First Lady of Kenya, Kenya, Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta, Maternal Health, maternal mortality, MDGs, Millenium Development Goals, Office of the First Lady
Featured, Health, Regional

In a noble cause rarely seen on the African continent, the First Lady of Kenya, Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta, started the Beyond Zero campaign. This is a campaign that aims at improving access to maternal and child health outreach services throughout the country combining the fourth, fifth and sixth Millennium Development Goals. With the 2015 deadline […]