By Agnes Tumuheire on September 13, 2018
and German development agency (GIZ), Inspectorate of Government, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Mr Benson Turamye, Office of the Auditor General, The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA)
news & events, Oil, Opportunities & Awards, Uganda Oil & Gas

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) wants the guidelines of at least 30 per cent of the oil and gas work given to local contractors so as to boost local capacity. According to Mr Benson Turamye, the acting PPDA executive director, the guidelines of 30 per cent of contract value works […]
By Agnes Tumuheire on August 28, 2018
Authority of Uganda Petroleum Authority of Uganda, Directorate of Petroleum, Fr Joseph BigirwaRemove term: Honey Malinga, Honey MalingaRemove term: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Remove term:, Remove term: Fr Joseph Bigirwa, Remove term: Petroleum, Remove term: the director of, St Simon Peters Vocational Training Centre the director of St Simon Peters Vocational Training CentreRemove term: the director of the, the director of the Directorate of Petroleum, the industry, Youth Employment Enhancement Project (YEEP)

According to Honey Malinga, the director of the Directorate of Petroleum, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development,the industry experiences many challenges towards local content and skills development. Uganda needs over 25,000 qualified workers, craftsmen and technicians to exploit oil and precious minerals(New vision 27 August 2018) While addressing graduates of the Youth Employment Enhancement Project (YEEP) […]
By Gerald Businge on August 4, 2017
Alex Byarugaba, committee chaired by Isingiro South MP, Dr. Stephen Robert Ishabiija, Gold artisan, Illegal miners in Mubende, local miners, Minister of State for Energy and Mineral Development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources, Peter Lokeris, small scale gold miners, UPDF representative in parliament Brigadier Innocent Felix OulaUganda minerals .
Latest Uganda News

Illegal miners in Mubende are running away from the mining areas following government’s exercise of registering local miners in this place in the district. Gold artisan and small scale gold miners in Mubende who are leaving under fear following alleged presidential directive to evict them from the area are also now going through registration to separate […]
By Gerald Businge on December 14, 2016
Arua districts, borrow an additional US$ 11.32million (Kuwait Dinars 3.5m), Bushenyi, Committee on National Economy, communication infrastructure and road reserves, electricity transmission, Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project, gulu, Hon. Helen Kahunde (Kiryandondo), Hon. Mbabali Muyanja (Bukoto South), Hon. Nabilah Naggayi (Kampala), infrastructure projects to accommodate power lines, International Development Association (IDA), Karuma and Isimba hydro power stations, Kasese and Rukungiri, Kibaale, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to finance the construction of the 33KV and 11KV distribution project in six districts of; Kiryandongo, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Nebbi, Parliament, rural electrification projects, so as to reduce on repeated compensation whenever projects are implemented., UMEME, water pipes, World Bank
Latest Uganda News

Parliament has approved two motions authorizing government to borrow up to US$102.88million intended for rural electrification projects. Government is set to borrow US$91.5million from the International Development Association (IDA)of the World Bank to finance the Grid Expansion and Reinforcement Project. The project is intended to increase availability and efficiency of bulk electricity supply in Gulu, […]
By Gerald Businge on May 31, 2011
Irene Muloni, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
The newly appointed Minister of Energy and mineral development Irene Muloni has assured the Parliamentary Appointments committee and Ugandans that she has what it takes to effectively manage the ministry. Muloni says she will manage the new sector given the technical and professional expertise she has had in the ministry for the last 20 years. […]