By Tumwine Edward on September 22, 2017
#Togikwatako, Constutional Amendement, Ministry of Lands, Namuganza, Obiga Kania, Raphael Magyezi, Ruth Nakabirwa, Uganda parliament
The minister of state for lands Persis Namuganza has come out to confess as she has received threats from fellow members of parliament. Namuganza says that she was approached by a certain member of parliament and he threatened to undress her if the motion by the Igara west member of parliament Raphael Magyezi is tabled […]
By Antonio Kisembo on June 7, 2014
Digitalising lands registry, Fake land titles, features of a genuine land title, how to avoid being a land victim, land evictions Uganda, land fraud, land victims uganda, Land wrangles in uganda, Ministry of Lands, Ministry zonal offices, Multiple land titles, Police lands office
Agriculture, General
Land is a key factor of economic production, so we are taught in school. But even before we study that, everyone has realized the importance of land- the house or houses where you have stayed since you were born is built on land, the food you eat is grown on land, just as the school and […]
By Gerald Businge on August 15, 2011
Ministry of Lands, Samuel Semugaba, Uganda government
Latest Uganda News
The Members of Parliament on the infrastructure committee have embarked on the fact finding tour of the lands ministry led by the committee chairperson who is also Kiboga west MP Samuel Semugaba. The MPs are asking the ministry to give them a comprehensive report of establishment of the computerized system in the ministry. The MPS […]
By Gerald Businge on June 23, 2011
land matters, Ministry of Lands, Sarah Kulata Basangwa, Uganda lawyers
Latest Uganda News
The Ministry of Lands has said that the certification documents presented by most lawyers in courts are undependable. According to the research conducted by the Lands Ministry, the documents from lawyers certifying the ownership of lands are not done with independent minds. Sarah Kulata Basangwa, a commissioner in the Lands Ministry says many lawyers present […]