By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2016
Amelia Kyambadde, and others in Busoga and other parts of the country, government to avert food insecurity in the country, Kyankwanzi, minister, ministry of Energy and Uganda National Bureau of standards., ministry of finance on how to re-own the sold 36 silos in areas of Kiboga, ministry of trade, Parliamentary Natural Resources Committee, poor quality car fuel on market, restarting of the current 36 privatized Silos
Latest Uganda News

The Ministry of Trade has called for the restarting of the current 36 privatized Silos back to government to avert food insecurity in the country. The line minister, Amelia Kyambadde, said this while meeting the Parliamentary Natural Resources Committee on how to secure the country from famine. He says government is in talks with ministry […]
By Gerald Businge on September 19, 2016
alcohol consumption by Ugandans is more than three times compared to other countries., Alcoholic drinks control bill 2016, Betty Nambooze Bakireke, chairperson of the department of Epidemiology and Bio Statistics at Makerere School of Public Health, civil society organization, control of alcohol and drug abuse, David Kalema, Dr Sheila Ndyanabangi, Dr.Nazarius Mbone Tumwesigye, Member of Parliament for Mukono Municipality, ministry of health, ministry of trade, principle medical officer in charge of mental health, vice chairman of the Uganda Alcohol policy Alliance
Latest Uganda News

The ministry of health has agreed to be the lead promoter of the proposed Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill 2016 fronted by the Member of Parliament for Mukono Municipality, Betty Nambooze Bakireke. The principle medical officer in charge of mental health, control of alcohol and drug abuse, Dr.sheila Ndyanabangi says her ministry will lead the promotion […]
By Gerald Businge on May 15, 2015
Ban, EU, European Union, Fruits and Vegetables, Hon. Amelia Kyambadde, ministry of trade, Register
Business & Economics, Business & Finance, Business news

The Trade Minister, Hon. Amelia Kyambadde revealed that following the ban on exports to Europe a week ago, government has embarked on the exercise of registering all those engaged in exporting fruits and vegetables to Europe with all those registered being awarded codes for proper identification. The European Union faulted the quality of fruits […]
By Gerald Businge on January 10, 2012
africa countries, Agriculture, atmosphere, Burundi, business persons, community, community sources, East Africa, East African Countries, indian business, Indian companies, inUganda, investment climate, investor, manufacturing, ministry, ministry of trade, Ministry of trade and industry, political atmosphere, Rwanda, technology, Trade, trade minister, willingness
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
A number of major Indian companies have expressed willingness to invest their huge capital in East African Community. Sources inUganda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry have informed our reporters that delegations have Indian business persons have toured East African countries and have already expressed willingness to put more capital inUgandaamong other EAC states. Trade Minister […]
By Gerald Businge on December 19, 2011
country, government, irrigation, January, kilogramme, minister, ministry, ministry of trade, Ministry of trade and industry, Moureen, Nakyanzi, process, production, shillings, sugar, sugar canes, sugar factories, sugar imports, sugar price, sugar prices, Trade, trade minister, uganda, Uganda sugar prices
Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News
High Sugar prices are likely to come down as the country is expecting sugar imports from Brazil and South Africa this month. The ministry of Trade and Industry says that the deadline for receiving much of the imported sugar is January 2012. Trade Minister, Amelia Kyambadde informs us that all obstacles in the importation process […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
Agriculture, atmosphere, business persons, community, community sources, EAC, East Africa Business, East African Countries, indian business, Indian companies, investment climate, investor, manufacturing, ministry, ministry of trade, Ministry of trade and industry, number, political atmosphere, technology, Trade, trade minister, willingness
Latest Uganda News
A number of major Indian companies have expressed willingness to invest their huge capital in East African Community. Sources in Uganda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry have informed our reporters that delegations have Indian business persons have toured East African countries and have already expressed willingness to put more capital in Uganda among other EAC states. Trade Minister […]