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mbidde now studies masters in law. by gerald businge on november 17, 2011 auto , call , conman , corporate finance law , corporate financing , course , court , draft , environmental law and policy , financing , following , fred mukasa mbidde , laws degree , llm , masters degree , masters in law , money , nature , regional human rights , rhyme , senior partner , university gossip. although some people in town call him a ‘conman,’ because of his money loaded pockets whose source is not known, mukasa fred mbidde is a man who wants to gain more credible credentials. he is now undertaking masters of laws at makerere university. our reporters have established that mbidde is undertaking the following course units: corporate finance […].
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parliament chases mutebile over spending oil money on jets. by gerald businge on november 15, 2011 auto , bank of uganda , capital gain tax , committee chairperson , committee evidence , consolidated fund , draft , emanuel tumusiime mutebile , evidence , fighter jets , hoima district , member of parliament , ministry , money , mutebile , oil , oil money , parliament , president , president museveni , purchase , sector , time , uganda oil industry , uganda parliament latest uganda news , politics. bank of uganda governor tumusiime mutebile has been thrown out the oil adhoc committee investigating the oil sector for the second time for failure to produce evidence to the committee that he was directed by president museveni to draw money from the consolidated fund to finance the purchase of fighter jets to the tune of 1.7 trillion […].
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elyt magazine folds after boss quits business. by gerald businge on november 14, 2011 advert , agreement , auto , boss , business , draft , elyt magazine , magazine , misunderstandings , money , remit , sean ndaula , selling , shop , sponsor , story , uganda telecom gossip. the readers of elyt magazine who have been wondering what happened to it we are here to tell you the real story. the former employees of elyt magazine have informed us that the magazine closed shop after its main sponsor quit the business. even though the magazine was reported not to be selling, the sponsor […].
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butambala district ask to be paid by reynolds construction company. by gerald businge on november 11, 2011 auto , butambala , butambala district , chief administration officer , compensation , construction , district chief , draft , god , gravels , law , mandate , media , money , officer , payment , quarries , rcc , reynolds , reynolds construction company , way business & finance , business news , latest uganda news. butambala district has asked reynolds construction company (rcc) to pay it for the quarrying mines it has in the area. the butambala district chief administration officer, joseph byaruhanga says that they wrote to the rcc head offices asking for payment for the gravels but the company has declined to respond positively. according to byaruhanga, rcc […].
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bank of uganda boss mutebile thrown out by ad hoc committee. by gerald businge on november 10, 2011 adhoc committee , authority , auto , bank of uganda , bribery , bribery cases , central , central bank governor , director allen , draft , emanuel tumusiime mutebile , governor , hoc committee , hussein , members of parliament , money , oil , oil sector , parliament , sector , shillings , today , word of mouth latest uganda news. the members of parliament on the adhoc committee investigating the bribery cases in the oil sector have today thrown out the bank of uganda governor emmanuel mutebile for attending to them unprepared. mutebile had been summoned by the committee to explain the one trillion shillings the uganda revenue authority executive director, allen kagina said has […].
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dp mobilizes funds to participate in luweero woman mp by election. by gerald businge on november 8, 2011 auto , brenda nabukenya , campaign period , commission officials , democratic party , district , draft , election news , election victory , house , leader , luweero , luweero woman mp , member of parliament , money , nabatanzi lugudde , news , nomination papers , november , october 20th , polling day , race , rebecca lukwago , uyd , woman , woman member , woman mp gossip , latest uganda news. news from city house building in kampala, the headquarters of the democratic party has it that this party’s leadership is short of money to run luweero district woman mp by elections. now the party leaders have resorted to calling upon their supporters to contribute money towards this “cause”. dp has fronted brenda nabukenya, currently the uyd leader […].
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