By Isaac Senabulya on November 7, 2016
25 districts including Zombo, and several government health facilities have been prepared to offer services including screening, but only 23 have been received under this phased manner., Dr Ruth Achenge, government earmarked 23 billion to fight hepatitis B in areas with prevalence beyond 23% and currently so far 14 districts have finished all the three required doses, Gulu and Nebbi have started receiving the first dose, In the year 2013-2014, Minister of Health, Ministry of health has started the second phase of Hepatitis B immunization in the 25 remaining districts out of the 39 district with high prevalence, moyo, said that the most affected districts are in the North and Western Uganda, supply of drugs and other relevant services, Under the National Hepatist B program 220 billion were gazetted for this purpose, vaccination, while in South and Central is still at minimum 6%., with prevalence as high as 23%
Health, Latest Uganda News

Ministry of health has started the second phase of Hepatitis B immunization in the 25 remaining districts out of the 39 district with high prevalence. In the year 2013-2014, government earmarked 23 billion to fight hepatitis B in areas with prevalence beyond 23% and currently so far 14 districts have finished all the three required doses. […]
By Gerald Businge on November 14, 2015
Heavy rains, moyo, relief
Agriculture, Environment issues, Latest Uganda News

Moyo residents are calling for relief assistance following the heavy rains which turned into floods that have washed away people’s properties. Reports from Moyo district show that floods affected four villages after the flooding of River Koki. The member of parliament for Obongi county in Moyo district Hassan Fungaroo Kaps said that the people need help […]
By Isaac Senabulya on July 21, 2015
moyo, NRM, Peace and unity, President Yoweri Museveni, West Nile
Latest Uganda News, Politics

President Yoweri Museveni appealed to the people of West Nile to maintain peace and unity in the region, saying their support has led to a growing healthy population and enabled government to implement development programmes. “Am glad that NRM is able to maintain peace supported by you people. The population of Uganda has gone up. […]
By Gerald Businge on January 12, 2012
Abim, alere, assumpta, grid power, head, head teachers, ICTs, kioga, local area network, moyo, Omoro, rural communications, UCC
Celebrity gigs, Education, Education news, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The Uganda Communications Commission and the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) have organised a five-day ICT sensitisation workshop for secondary school head teachers as part of enhancing the usage of ICT facilities in secondary schools inUganda. Three hundred school heads shall attend the workshop in two lots of 150 each. The workshop is scheduled […]