
Muruli Mukasa wants protection for security officers in Anti Torture bill

Security minister Muluri Mukasa has supported the Anti torture bill currently being scrutinized by the legal and parliamentary affairs committee of parliament saying it will outlaw torture. However he suggests that the law should be balanced to protect the people who collect information from suspects which can be used for successful prosecution. Muluri who was […]

Uganda MPs trash David Cameroon’s calls on gays

 One might think that David Cameroon, the British Premier would cough and Uganda sneezes because he is a leader of one of the world’s super powers. But this is not the case. Recently Cameroon threatened to suspend aid to countries like Uganda that don’t respect gays. However Ugandan MPs have told Cameroon to keep quiet as Uganda is not like England where ‘immoral’ people are accepted. The […]

150 MPs sign to censure ministers Khidu Makubuya and Suda Bumba

Over 150 MPs have signed documents to censure the minister for general duties, Dr. Khidu Makubuya and his counterpart of Gender, Labour and Social AffairsSyda Bbumba for their role in the controversial compensation of businessmen including Hassan Basajjabalaba over loss of businesses.  The censure move was by Ndorwa East MP, Wilfred Niwagaba and the youth […]

Uganda MPs trash David Cameroon’s calls on gays

One might think that David Cameroon, the British Premier would cough and Uganda sneezes because he is a leader of one of the world’s super powers. But this is not the case. Recently Cameroon threatened to suspend aid to countries like Uganda that don’t respect gays. However Ugandan MPs have jumped into the queue and […]