By Isaac Senabulya on February 11, 2016
Dubai, Governments, Labour export, negotiations, Officials, UAE, uganda
Business & Economics, Business news, Finance, Latest Uganda News, Politics, Security

Milton Turyasima, Assistant commissioner employment service, from ministry of gender labour and social development, and the Presidential adviser on Ugandans working in the diaspora Florence Kilemerwa are calling for a smooth conclusion to the consultations into the started negotiations between the Uganda and Dubai governments but maintain that no labour company will be allowed to […]
By Gerald Businge on March 13, 2012
assistant, assistant registrar, Capital, Company, court, court assistant, Eudes, further notice, Keiterima, knowledge, negotiations, petrol company, plaintiffs, registrar, sale, sell, Shell, Shell Uganda, uganda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Shell Uganda is now on sale. We have been told that Shell is engaging into negotiations with companies that have interests in buying its shares in Uganda. According to sources, some of the companies which have expressed interests in buying shell Uganda’s interests include Total Uganda and Caltex petrol company. However Shell Uganda is […]
By Gerald Businge on November 17, 2011
Aggreko thermal power plant, Auto, Bujagali, bujagali dam, business, capacity, current supply, deficit, Draft, generators, industrial operations, losses, negotiations, peak, peak time, power, power shortages, rate, state, state minister, supply, thermo power, time, uganda energy sector
Latest Uganda News
The state minister for energy, Peter Lokeris said that the government is holding negotiations with thermo power generating company Agreko to have the generators switched on to decrease on the rate of load shedding in the country. Lokeris who also apologized to the nation for the current increased load shedding which has caused losses to people’s business and property says […]