By Tumwine Edward on September 14, 2017
Doctors, Health, Health workers, Iganga Referral Hospital, ministry of health, Nurses, parliamentary committee, Poor health systems
Health & Medical, Health tips, Politics

The parliamentary health committee report released to parliament on public health facilities in Kampala district and eastern Uganda has exposed rot in performance of the ministry of health over health service delivery to public. While presenting to parliament a health report the chairperson of the parliamentary health committee who is the MP for Bukuya county […]
By Walakira on July 16, 2012
back, back to school, Nurses, school
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Ugandan candidates who sat nursing exams last year performed poorly and the ministry of education has requested them to reseat the examinations. The exam results were released Monday. The candidates sat the exams last year in November. Out of the 2,295 candidates who sat for final examinations, from 33 accredited nursing schools in the […]
By Gerald Businge on December 21, 2011
Alupo, available resources, Board, country, distinctions, examination results, executive secretary, government, health sector, institutions, jesica, Ministry of Education, Nurses, performance, sector, today, Total, tutors, UNEB, use
Latest Uganda News
The Uganda National Examination Board has today released the 2011 nurses’ examination results indicating a general improvement in performance. Announcing the results, the Executive Secretary of the Nurses Examinations Board, Helen Kataratambi said that a total of 2433 candidates sat for the exams with 49 passing with distinctions, and only 41 were ungraded. She has […]