By Gerald Businge on May 4, 2011
How US killed Bin laden, How US killed Osama Bin laden, Osam bin Laden death video, Osama Bin Laden, reaction to Osama Bin laden death, US attack killing Bin laden Osama
Media Gallery, People
The United States has released some details on how they managed to nail nail down and locate Bin laden, a man who had eluded them for more than 10 years despite being the most wanted man. According to an official US State Department statement, it all begun when US intelligence managed to locate Bin Laden’s […]
By Gerald Businge on May 2, 2011
How US killed Bin laden, Osam bin Laden death video, Osama Bin Laden, reaction to Osama Bin laden death, US attack killing Bin laden Osama
Featured, Media Gallery, Politics
Although the United States and many other people around the world continue the celebrate the death of the world’s most wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, there are still some doubts on whether the hitherto invincible Bin Laden is actually dead and or whether he was killed in a US raid. Bin Laden the leader of […]