
UN workers threaten to demonstrate over poor working conditions

  The workers at the United Nations (UN) base at Entebbe in East Africa have threatened to stage a sit down strike soon over what they term as ‘serious’ exploitation by their employees. The UN staff members attached to the cleaning department wants to protest UN’s recent decision to tender out the cleaning services at […]

Who is Mother Teresa of Calcutta in Catholic Church?

  Many Christians in the Catholic Church are found of talking about Mother Teresa of Calcutta, but who was she? Mother Teresa of Calcutta is recognized throughout the Catholic Church world wide. Her work among the poor people was beatified on October 19, 2003. The Archbishop of Kampala Catholic Archdiocese Lwanga Kizito says that the […]

100 causes of erectile dysfunction

  Scientists have discovered that the increasing cases of erectile dysfunction (or person’s inability to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse is a sign for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. In many cases erectile dysfunction is caused by causing restricted blood flow in the man’s private parts thus causing poor erection. Researchers […]

Causes of abscess and boils on human bodies

  Throughout the whole of this month, our news desk decided to run you through a number of diseases, causes of diseases, recommended foods for patients suffering from different diseases such as anemia, arthritis, abscess and boils among others. Our major concentration in this news piece is on abscess and boil. Abscess is a swelling […]

Symptoms of an anemic person, causes of anemia

  In our first health briefing on anemic persons, we told you that the recommended food for people suffering from anemia are organic calf’s liver, green leafy vegetables, leeks, cashews, cherries, strawberries, dried fruits, figs, kelp, and eggs among others. But this time our concentration dwells much on the causes and symptoms of anemic persons. […]