By editor1 on August 13, 2012
Contact Details, cooperation, development, priority
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships, East Africa Scholarships
New Zealand Development Scholarships: Open category (NZDS-Open) are offered to candidates from Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia. Preference will be given to applicants from disadvantaged communities. New Zealand Development Scholarships are a central part of the New Zealand Government’s development cooperation programme in Africa. The NZDS scheme offers the opportunity to people from […]
By editor1 on July 13, 2012
Apply, Contact Details, opportunity, priority
Arts/Humanities Scholarships, Masters Scholarships
IFUW International Awards: The International Federation of University Women offers a limited number of international fellowships and grants to women graduates for postgraduate research, study and training. A small number of awards may be available for Masters’ level studies. Most of the awards are intended for the second and subsequent years of a doctoral programme […]
By Gerald Businge on June 5, 2012
Apply, call for proposals, Civil Society organizations, cooperation, CSOs, empowerment, forum, gift, knowledge, nbsp, NGOs, origin and destination, priority, promising projects, relevant organizations, support cooperation, victim support, victims of human trafficking, virtual forum
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
UN.GIFT Small Grants: UN.GIFT has established a Small Grants Facility with the overall objective to increase and improve support structures for victims of human trafficking around the world. Through a Call for Proposals, relevant organizations will be identified and the most promising projects will be selected. Civil society organizations will receive grants either to sustain […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
aggression, application, application materials, award, candidate, Deadline, dissertation fellowships, dominance, education grants, foundation grants, grants research, Harry, harry frank, harry frank guggenheim foundation, health scholarships, HFG, increase, international grants, MBA Scholarships, priority, scholarships, Scholarships for developing countries, understanding, writing
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Grants: The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (HFG) welcomes proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence, aggression, and dominance. Highest priority is given to research that can increase understanding and amelioration of urgent problems […]
By Gerald Businge on January 19, 2012
adequate notice, authority, break, budget, councilors, deputy lord mayor, goingon, issue, Jenifer, kampala, KCCA, Mayor, order, origin, priority, priority areas, public outcry, result, spending money, state, Sulaiman, Sulaiman Kidandala, suleiman
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The budget running KCCA now was not debated by the appropriate organ called the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) which was supposed to make what they call a budget break down according to priority areas of the city. The figures that came from the central government as conditional grants were instead broken down by the […]