By Gerald Businge on July 29, 2015
Africa, economic growth, Report, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Finance, Latest Uganda News, Personal Growth

A new report indicates that Africa continues to register growth economically, from 3.7% in 2013 to 3.9% in 2014. The report stated that: For Sub-Saharan Africa, 2015 is a turning point. The summits on sustainable development, financing and climate change are swinging the spotlight not only onto Africa’s needs to accelerate development and adapt to global warming, but also onto the […]
By Gerald Businge on March 30, 2012
14th floor, body, central police station, commander james, committed suicide, death, government, mukasa, Mulago, opposition, opposition politicians, Police, position, preliminary report, Report, report indicates that, resident, scanty, station commander, visitors book, woman, Workers house, YEAR
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Members of opposition in Uganda want the government to release a report on a woman who jumped to death at Workers House building in Kampala. The police launched its investigations into the circumstances under which a 26-year old woman, Justine Nalugya committed suicide by jumping from the 14th Floor of the Workers House in Kampala. […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
Action, care, consultant services, education, education health, financing, government of uganda, income, NUSAF, office of the prime minister, participants, permanent secretary, proceeds, put, pwp, Report, sanitation, Social, support, uganda, water sanitation, World Bank
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The government of Uganda, represented by the office of the prime minister has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the second Northern Uganda Social Action (NUSAF2) project. The permanent secretary of the prime minister’s office Pius Birigimana says that the government intends to apply part of the proceeds for the […]
By Gerald Businge on February 22, 2012
american man, asuman, Capital, catherine fuller, city, cocaine, cocaine overdose, freelance producer, jeff rice, kampala, poisoning, police spokesman, race tv, reality television, Report, show, Television, television game, today, TV, uganda, use, use of cocaine, weekend
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The world has mourned an American man who reportedly died of cocaine overdose in Uganda’s capital city Kampala. Jeff Rice died over the weekend and a postmortem report issued today indicated that he died of suspected cocaine overdose. America is one of the countries in the world that fights against the use of cocaine […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
Africa, African, african cultures, ASC, basis, codesria, Council, data, Masters, masters thesis, Netherlands, netherlands institute, netherlands tel, NiZA, phd proposal, rb leiden, Report, scholarship information, social science research, Subject, thesis award, writing
Opportunities & Awards
The Africa Thesis Award: Are you interested in Africa and have you written your Masters thesis on an African-related subject? The African Studies Centre (ASC), the Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) are offering you the chance to win €4000 in The […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
barack obama, causes of death, daily basis, death, end, global health initiative, Health, hiv aids, infection, Initiative, Kabarole, live births, maternal deaths, maternal mortality ratio, ministry of health, Monday, Report, research, uganda, visit, women girls, YEAR
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The Executive Director of the United States of America and President Barack Obama’s Global Health Initiative chief, Lois Quam has arrived in Uganda on Monday. Lois Quam is in Uganda for a one week visit to support Uganda’s Ministry of Health’s effort to reduce maternal deaths by at least 50% in four western districts of […]
By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
cabinet, cabinet meeting, corruption allegations, division, government president, Kabakumba, kampala, khiddu, Library, Makubuya, Matsiko, meeting, ministerial posts, Museveni, negative publicity, opposition parties, Parliament, Parliamentary, parliamentary building, President Museveni, Report, resignation, watchdog committee
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
President Museveni has this morning met with his Cabinet in Kampala and discussed with the ministers the precarious environment his government is in following the resignation of six ministers over corruption allegations. The meeting took place in the Cabinet Library at the President’s Office on Parliamentary building, in Kampala central division. Some of the ministers […]
By Gerald Businge on February 15, 2012
allowance, Auditor, fraud, KCCA, March, massive fraud, musisi, officer, overtime payment, Parliament, picture, President Yoweri Museveni, Report, Service, staff, tabled before parliament, time, time allowances, time states, transitional team, transport allowance, yoweri museveni
Latest Uganda News
A report yet to be published by the Auditor General reveals massive fraud in the Kampala Capital City Authority. The 151 page report reveals that the executive director Jennifer Ssemakula Musisi was paid over time worth over 20 million shillings for the period March to June 30th 2011 and yet she is a public officer […]
By Gerald Businge on February 14, 2012
ballad singer, blood, body, cause, centre, family, Fred Maiso, Health, health centre, high blood pressure, kampala, kya, love, maiso, mourners, music lovers, oli, pressure, Report, singer, ulcers, yesterday morning
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Many music lovers in Uganda since yesterday have been mourning the death of the love ballad singer Fred Maiso. Maiso, the singer behind Oli Kimuli Kya Rosa, died yesterday morning at Mirembe Health Centre, in Kampala. John Maiso, the brother to the deceased has told mourners in Kampala that Maiso died of high blood pressure, […]
By Gerald Businge on January 19, 2012
abuse, advocates, commission, Corruption, court, court judge, Daily Monitor, defamation, emmanuel, Former, injunction, investigation, judge, Justice Faith Mwondah, Ltd, malicious statements, Monitor, monitor publications, Report, respondents, servants, Sunday Monitor
Latest Uganda News
Former Inspector General of Government and currently a high court judge Faith Mwondha has dragged the Monitor Publications Ltd, the editor of Sunday Monitor and Emmanuel Gyezaho accusing them of defaming her. Mwondha says she is aggrieved by the two defaming articles published in the Sunday Monitor newspaper in August 2007, indicating that she was […]