By Gerald Businge on January 10, 2012
building, building houses, business, business tycoon, cause, city, Democratic Party, enough money, Field, five men, Former, home, House, informers, kamya, last time, leaks, loopholes, Lubaga, Moureen, mp, Museveni, Nakyanzi, officesKampalabranch, onLuwum, president, presidential elections, presidential polls, race, rain, rainfall, Report, restaurants, StreetinKampala, Sudhiru, tycoon, water
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Former Lubaga North MP Betty Olive Kamya says that she will take part in the next presidential elections come 2016. Kamya has told our informers that last time she lost the polls because she did not have enough money and she was a new entrant in the field. She says that this time she has […]
By Gerald Businge on January 10, 2012
Bukoto, candidate, chief guest, conference, election petition, election rigging, integrity, January, Jude, Jude Mbabali, judicial integrity, judiciary, kampala, kiwanuka, lordship, petition, public eye, Report, Sekandi, Ssekandi, stock, vice president edward, YEAR
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The former Democratic Party (DP) candidate in Bukoto central, Jude Mbabali has said that he was shocked yesterday when the Vice President, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi presided over the 50 judges’ conference at Speke Resort Munyonyo inKampala. The conference was about to take stock of last year 2011 and to review the judicial integrity opinion report. […]
By Gerald Businge on January 9, 2012
chief guest, conference, decision, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi, Edward Sekandi, election petition, election rigging, impartiality, integrity, Jude, judge, Judicial, judicial integrity, kampala, kiwanuka, lordship, president, public eye, Report, ruling, Ssekandi, stock, vice president edward, YEAR
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
I have learnt with shock this morning that the Vice President, Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi will be the Chief Guest and is to preside over the 50 judges’ conference including the Chief Justice Benjamin Odoki, this morning at Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala to, among others, take stock of the previous year and to review the […]
By Gerald Businge on December 26, 2011
confidentiality requirements, configuration location, custom www, desc, development, document, download, Engineering, foster wheeler energy, Fosterwheeler study, FWEL, government, investment, Key, key goal, line, Member, mineral development, Ministry of Energy, oil, oil pipeline, oil refinery, oil refinery study, oil report, optimum size, PayPal-Button, receipt, Report, Study, Uganda oil documents, Uganda oil industry, western uganda, www
Business & Finance, Business news, Featured
Here is the most coveted document on Uganda’s oil industry, the country’s oil potential and key investment opportunities and strategies at both micro, national and regional levels. Download a PDF of the Foster wheeler Uganda Refinery study report here. The government of Uganda hired Swiss Engineering and Construction company Foster Wheeler Energy Limited (FWEL) in […]
By Gerald Businge on December 14, 2011
envy, ivan, Kalibbala, lots of love, love, music, music festivals, musicians, official, pals, point, Pricilla, Report, Sekyewa, singer, storm
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note
It is now official that singer Pricilla Kalibbala and Charles Sekyewa are in love. Their pals tell us that these days Kalibbala and Sekyewa have made it a point to perform at the same music shows. Even if one is not invited, one invites the other such that they can sing or dance together. We […]
By Gerald Businge on November 26, 2011
assistance, cause, causes of suicide, consultant psychiatrists, criminal investigation department, department, disagreements, Dr. David Basangwa, Edward ochom, family, family disputes, investigation, January, Mugisa, penalty, Police, professional assistance, Report, senior consultant, suicide cases, suicide rates, Uganda health, Uganda Police, ugandan police
Latest Uganda News
The Ugandan police has released statistics showing that depression is one of the major causes pushing suicide rates high in Uganda. Statistics from the Uganda police indicate that a significant number of cases registered between January and June 2011. The director criminal investigation department Edward Ochom noted that a total number of 175 cases of […]
By Gerald Businge on November 24, 2011
African governments, change, climate change, contractual commitments, development, Environment, ethiopian government, future prospects, global water crisis, half a million, harm, IIED, lake turkana, land, Land Acquisitions, land deals, news, paper, pastoralist, Report, Study, today, water issues
news & events
News Release: A paper published today by the International Institute for Environment and Development warns that African governments are signing away water rights for decades with insufficient regard for how this will affect millions of local users, including fishing, farming and pastoralist communities. The water rights often feature in the growing number of large land […]
By Gerald Businge on November 17, 2011
adhoc committee, Auto, call, committee chairperson, committee proceedings, Draft, entebe, government, House, Member, member of parliament, Members of Parliament, Michael Werikhe, oil, oil committee, oil company executive, oil policy, Peter Nyombi, president, President Museveni, Report, sector, state, time
Latest Uganda News
The Attorney General Peter Nyombi has run out of the Adhoc committee investigating oil sector to attend to president Museveni’s oil meeting at Entebbe state house with Tullow Oil Company executive and left members on this oil Adhoc committee furious. The Attorney General peter Nyombi had been summoned by the oil Adhoc committee chaired by […]
By Gerald Businge on November 15, 2011
accountability, Auto, bribery, Center, clear evidence, collaboration, corrupt government, corrupt institution, corruption in uganda, Draft, economic policy research, education, education institutions, good governance, government institution, inspectorate, Makerere University, Report, shot, space, today, Uganda Police, University
Latest Uganda News
The Police have been named as the most corrupt government institution in Uganda. This is contained in the Annual Corruption report released today by the Inspectorate of Government in collaboration with the Economic policy research center of Makerere University. The report indicates that bribery within the force shot up to 79%, up from 53% in […]