By editor1 on August 10, 2012
church, country, home, requirements
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
ELCA International Scholarships: ELCA Global Mission is in companionship with many Lutheran churches (“companion churches”) around the world. The goal of ELCA Global Mission is to enable their church leaders to obtain advanced training in areas of work in which the church is engaged (theology, health care, development, etc.) not available in their home countries. […]
By editor1 on August 8, 2012
Master, period, requirements, Science
Masters Scholarships, Sciences Scholarships
Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships: The Swedish Institute offers a few Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships to students from developing countries. The scholarships are for study at Linköping University, Sweden. Minimum admission requirements for master’s studies […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
academic qualifications, Area, candidate, Criminal, gender representation, International Criminal Court, internship placement, knowledge, level, order, placement, placement candidates, Professional, professional expertise, professional placements, requirements, service category, specialist knowledge, staff, supervision, theoretical knowledge, Visiting Professional, Visiting Professionals
Sciences Scholarships
International Criminal Court – Internships and Visiting Professionals Programme: As an international organisation endeavouring to optimise geographic and gender representation, the Court respects and values diversity and therefore encourages applications from candidates of all nationalities and cultures to its Internship and Visiting Professional Programme. I. Internships Placements The Court offers internships to highly motivated young […]
By Gerald Businge on January 17, 2012
Bukedde, class degrees, graduation, Makerere University, onion news, president thabo mbeki, Red Pepper, requirements, south african president thabo mbeki, thabo mbeki, university graduation, venue, world business community
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The 62nd graduation ofMakerereUniversity has entered day two today. Hundreds of parents and guardians have been witnesses as hundreds of students received their diplomas, certificates and degrees. A number of members of parliament, security operatives, members of the academia world, business community and the general public attended the second day of the graduation. Over 221 […]