revolutionary organisation

Addresses of political parties in Uganda

1. Action Party [AP], P. O. Box 8401, Kampala 2. Activist Party,P. O. Box224780Mengo,Kampala 3. Bridge Party [BP], Plot 6CementCorporationBuilding.P. O. Box 31252Kampala Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO),P. O. Box 22061Kampala Conservative Party [CP],P. O. Box5145& 1604,Kampala 6. Democratic Party [DP], City House building inKampala 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU], Plot 54,Naguru Drive,P. O. Box 33243Kampala […]

Addresses of political parties in Uganda

1. Action Party [AP], P. O. Box 8401, Kampala 2. Activist Party,P. O. Box224780Mengo, Kampala 3. Bridge Party [BP], Plot 6CementCorporationBuilding.P. O. Box 31252 Kampala Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO),P. O. Box 22061 Kampala Conservative Party [CP],P. O. Box5145& 1604, Kampala 6. Democratic Party [DP], City House building in Kampala 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU], Plot […]

Full list of Presidents of political parties in Uganda

1. Action Party [AP], Ocheger Nelson 2. Activist Party, Ssebugwao Muyingo 3. Bridge Party [BP], Kasule Med Leon Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO), Saddam Bisase Conservative Party [CP], John Ken Lukyamuzi 6. Democratic Party [DP], Norbert Mao 7. Farmers’ Party of Uganda[FPU], Bombokka Nsiko 8. Forum for Democratic Change [FDC),Col.Kiiiza Besigye 9. Forum for Integrity […]

List of registered political parties and organisations

1. Action Party [AP] 2. Activist Party 3. Bridge Party [BP] 4. Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO) 5. Conservative Party [CP] 6. Democratic Party [DP] 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU] 8. Forum for Democratic Change [FDC) 9. Forum for Integrity in Leadership [FIL] 10. Justice Forum [JEEMA) 11. Liberal Democratic Transparency [LDT] 12. Movement for Democratic […]