By Walakira on July 7, 2012
DR Congo, President Kabila, Rwanda, uganda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda soldiers have disarmed over 600 troops who flee into Uganda’ yesterday after the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Warlord, Bosco Ntaganda seized Uganda-DR Congo Border Town OF Bunagana. Uganda shares the town with the Democratic Republic of Congo. The authorities in DR Congo allege that the Ntaganda rebels are trained, supported and funded […]
By Gerald Businge on May 22, 2012
force, police force, Rwanda, uganda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda and Rwanda have now formed a joint police force whose major purpose is to monitor and guard against negative forces entering Uganda or Rwanda from the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Sources say that the Uganda–Rwanda police force will help the two countries to share intelligence information. The police was formed during […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
academy, Africa, Batonga, canadian harambee education society, co operative bank, Co-operative, community development foundation, Educational, girls global education fund, global education fund, Hilde, ISM, issue, jomo kenyatta, Kenya, list, Rwanda, scholarship grants, scholarships, scholarships for high school students, secondary school students, shell nigeria, Society
Africa scholarships
Scholarships for Primary and High School students; The following is a list of scholarships available for Primary and High School students. · African Leadership Academy Scholarships · Ambassadors Girls’ Scholarship Program · Batonga Foundation Girls Scholarships Canadian Harambee Education Society Scholarship · Co-operative Bank Foundation Scholarships Kenya Education Scholarship Grants Elimu Fund Scholarships for High […]
By Gerald Businge on February 3, 2012
agriculture tourism, animal lives, bill, Bucumi, committee states, community member states, control, EAC, harmful emissions, Hon, law, Management, natural resources committee, partner states, plastic, plastic manufacturers, polythene, region, Rwanda, rwanda burundi, soil degradation, Stakeholders, use, waste
Latest Uganda News
Members of the East Africa legislative Assembly have passed the EAC Polythene Materials Control Bill, 2011 aimed at regulating the use of polythene materials. The bill now awaits EAC Heads of State assent to it before it becomes law in the five East Africa Community member states of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. The Bill moved […]
By Gerald Businge on January 23, 2012
Africaanswer, building, capacity building, community, community member states, development, East Africa, East African Countries, Executive Director, inEast, joan clos, Member, ofUganda, potential, Rwanda, support, towns and cities, UN-Habitat, urban development, urbanization, withRwanda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The UN-Habitat has pledged to give more support to East African countries ofUganda,Rwanda,Kenya,BurundiandTanzania. Speaking inRwanda, the Executive Director of UN-Habitat Joan Clos said habitat wants to support the urbanization of East Africa starting withRwanda. Clos recommended East Africa’s implementation of the urbanization programme, and added that UN-Habitat will continue support eastAfrica’s development plans. All the […]
By Gerald Businge on January 10, 2012
africa countries, Agriculture, atmosphere, Burundi, business persons, community, community sources, East Africa, East African Countries, indian business, Indian companies, inUganda, investment climate, investor, manufacturing, ministry, ministry of trade, Ministry of trade and industry, political atmosphere, Rwanda, technology, Trade, trade minister, willingness
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
A number of major Indian companies have expressed willingness to invest their huge capital in East African Community. Sources inUganda’s Ministry of Trade and Industry have informed our reporters that delegations have Indian business persons have toured East African countries and have already expressed willingness to put more capital inUgandaamong other EAC states. Trade Minister […]
By Gerald Businge on December 21, 2011
car, court, demonstrations, demonstrators, Kenya, law, military court, military courts, Museveni, oil, person, person person, president, President Museveni, rdc, Rwanda, statehouse, uganda, way, yesterday
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda is soon making a law to have people arrested during political related demonstrations charged in military court marital courts. This is because the Uganda laws are so weak and they don’t punish the demonstrators. According to the meeting held yesterday at statehouse, it was resolved that putting demonstrators before court martial is the right […]
By Gerald Businge on December 20, 2011
car, court, demonstrations, demonstrators, Kenya, law, military court, military courts, Museveni, oil, person, person person, president, President Museveni, rdc, Rwanda, statehouse, uganda, way, yesterday
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda is soon making a law to have people arrested during political related demonstrations charged in military court marital courts. This is because the Uganda laws are so weak and they don’t punish the demonstrators. According to the meeting held yesterday at statehouse, it was resolved that putting demonstrators before court martial is the right […]
By Gerald Businge on December 12, 2011
African, Army, army spokesman, bujumbura, Burundi, burundi rwanda, Darfur, defence forces, deploy, desk, felix, hybrid operation, ministry, ministry of defence, operation, press, press time, Rwanda, time, training, uganda, unamid
Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News
Uganda Peoples Defence Forces have started a training programme to prepare its soldiers for deployment to the African Union United Nations hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID). According to a source in the ministry of defence, Uganda will deploy in Darfur early next year as per UNAMID programme. We are reliably informed that UNAMID has requested […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
Cavendish, Cavendish University, ceremony, chairman, chief guest, Council, diplomas, disciplines, DR Congo, Former, graduates, graduation, graduation ceremony, graduation in Uganda, kenneth kaunda, Kenya, Ketrine, Kisoro, land, pioneer, President Yoweri Museveni, regional centers, road, Rwanda, rwanda burundi, salati, soroti, South Sudan, today, uganda, University, Yoweri, yoweri museveni
Latest Uganda News
Cavendish University Uganda will be holding its first graduation ceremony this Saturday at the Speke Resort Munyonyo. Addressing the media at the university campus in Nsambya today, the university’s chairman, university council, Dr. Ketrine Salati revealed that 300 students are set to graduate with degrees, diplomas and certificates in various disciplines. Of these, 56% are […]