By ruth sierra on July 30, 2018
Billionaires, getting rich, money, saving
Finance, Opinions
Many people use the internet to find answers to various questions everyday. “How to attract money” is one of the trending topics on the internet, according to Shelly Bullard, a writer on mindbody green, “the greater reality about wealth, it is a state-of-mind. When one learns how to have a wealthy state-of-mind, they are then […]
By mugisa geofrey on July 17, 2018
Budgeting, Finance, money Mistakes, saving, Spending
Business & Finance, Finance
1. Borrowing to start Business Never borrow money that accrues interest to start a business. That is to say, never borrow money to start a business expecting that the business will generate income to pay back the borrowed money plus the interest. Businesses have their own short comings so when it comes to starting a […]