By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
africa intelligence, Al Shabaab, Army, army spokesman, Aronda, brig, Burundi, defence forces, development, East African, East African Countries, Habarurema, Ildephonse, intelligence briefings, interahamwe, LRA, military chiefs, military intelligence, national defence force, rebel, security chiefs, shabaab, threat, uganda
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Intelligence briefings from Somalia indicate that Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab fighters are planning to bomb East African countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi and Kenya. Security sources in Uganda tell us that the Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab rebels plan to use East African countries through the links they have with East African rebel […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
ADF, arab countries, Army, christmas season, CMI, democratic forces, ESO, Intelligence, intelligence reports, intelligence sources, ISO, LRA, money, nbsp, negative elements, Police, remnants, Resistance, resistance army, security chiefs, terror, Uganda security, UPDF
Intelligence note, Stories Unusual
Security has been beefed up in Kampala and Entebbe following intelligence reports that the Al Shabaab terrorists are planning to use bad hearted people in Uganda to strike on Kampala during the Christmas season. According to very impeccable intelligence sources, the security chiefs from ISO, CMI, police and ESO are in secret plans trying to abort the ill plans of the Al Shabaab […]