By Gerald Businge on February 20, 2012
accountability, Africa, application, citizen participation, Democratization, development, development cooperation, education, education scholarships, international scholarships, local economic development, local governance, MDG, ministry of foreign affairs, Netherlands, netherlands organization, NFP, priority groups, Scholarship, scholarships, Service, Short, skilled manpower, training
Africa scholarships
Short Courses scholarships: The Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC) offers the opportunity to apply for scholarships for the following training courses being conducted soon. – Training Peace building and Local Governance – Training Local Service Delivery and MDG’s – Training Local Economic Development – Summer course Decentralization and Local Governance – […]
By Gerald Businge on February 15, 2012
African, Alex Isabirye, CAF, caf champions league, Champions, coach alex, commandos, contingent, Correctional, Entebbe International Airport, football club, football officials, home, home advantage, Lesotho, Lesotho Correctional Service, manager, Saturday, Service, soccer stars, South, south african airways, URA
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Sports, Stories Unusual
Lesotho soccer stars called Lesotho Correctional Service (LCS) football club have arrived in Uganda on Wednesday. They have come to Uganda to take on Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) FC in the CAF Champions League. The long awaited match is slated for Saturday this week. The contingent of 34 players and Lesotho football officials arrived at […]
By Gerald Businge on February 15, 2012
allowance, Auditor, fraud, KCCA, March, massive fraud, musisi, officer, overtime payment, Parliament, picture, President Yoweri Museveni, Report, Service, staff, tabled before parliament, time, time allowances, time states, transitional team, transport allowance, yoweri museveni
Latest Uganda News
A report yet to be published by the Auditor General reveals massive fraud in the Kampala Capital City Authority. The 151 page report reveals that the executive director Jennifer Ssemakula Musisi was paid over time worth over 20 million shillings for the period March to June 30th 2011 and yet she is a public officer […]
By Gerald Businge on January 27, 2012
award, award category, business, business sector, children welfare, CRS, economic growth, event, February, inUganda, Membership, membership service, need, Partnership, private sector activities, project ms, sector, Service, welfare programs
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
The Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) is to reward event to associations in the business sector come February 24th 2012. The director of the Private Sector FoundationUganda, Ms Ruth Musoke says that they want to appreciate and recognize the role of associations in business sector inUganda. She says that the associations in business sector have […]
By Gerald Businge on January 24, 2012
african affairs, Bureau, career member, delisi, development, Foreign, Former, gaborone, Human, human resources director, March, Nepal, new ambassador, replacement, senior foreign service, Service, state, state of eritrea, story, uganda, US, us department of state, us senate
Latest Uganda News
Former US Ambassador to Nepal Scott H. DeLisi has been named the new US Ambassador to Uganda. DeLisi will replace current Ambassador Jerry P. Lanier after the changes are by the US Senate. DeLisi wrote in his Facebook status that he had got a White House notification about his new posting to Uganda. By the […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
African Development Bank, broadcasting service, call, CBS, Central, complainant, correspondent, death threats, disappearance, home, Human, involvement, Kalangala, nbsp, news story, police station, resident, Service, several suspects, solar panels, story
Latest Uganda News
Central Broadcasting Service (CBS fm) Kalangala district correspondent Ronald Ssembuusi is reported to have received death threats from former Kalangala boss Daniel Kikola over a news story. The problem stemmed from a news story aired on the radio on 17th/November/2011 which alleged that the former district boss in being investigated for his involvement in the […]
By Gerald Businge on November 9, 2011
Appointments Committee, Auto, chairman, courts of law, Draft, James Ogoola, judge james, Judicial, judicial service, justice, justice Esther Kisakye, lady justice, magistrates, MPs, Parliament, parliamentary appointments, president, press, retirement, sector, Service, today, Uganda Judicial Service Commission, vacuums, way
Latest Uganda News
The parliamentary appointments committee has approved the former principal judge James Ogoola as the new chairman of the judicial service commission. This follows demands by mps to the president asking him to immediately appoint commissioners in the judicial service commission who can help to recruit judges in the courts. After a long period of this demand, […]