By Gerald Businge on November 8, 2011
Auto, club rouge, dancing, Draft, fount, guy, handsome guy, handsome guys, Hatarudi, hot kiss, kampala, Man, Media, outlet, photo journalist, revelers, sex, shillings, singer, SONG, ululations, yesterday
Kampala has some captivating handsome guys, at least singer Juliana Kanyomozi fount it yesterday at Club Rouge when she was performing on stage. When she sang Hatarudi song, a handsome guy jumped from the revelers and went straight on stage. He started dancing with her and then finally gave her a hot kiss. This sex excited […]
By Gerald Businge on November 4, 2011
2 timothy, Auto, counselor, decision, Draft, ephesians 5, fight, fire extinguisher, flesh, happy marriage, Husbands, imperfect person, infidelity, knowledge, Learn, love, love and intimacy, marriage, marriage counselling, mccall, nbsp, person, proper preparations, punch, punches, ready for marriage, relationship advice, servant, sex, take, way
Intimate, Society & Leisure
Marriage is an important decision for many people but many of us still fall into it without proper preparations. It is important to be sure you are ready for marriage and with the right person. Quentin McCall has an interesting take on the questions you should ask before marriage