By Zam Zam Nakityo on March 24, 2014
Eat, help, oil, skin
Avocados are Mother Nature’s skin moisturizer. With their healthy fats and phytonutrients, they offer remarkable benefits to human skin when either eaten or used topically. A naturally fatty fruit, avocado is also rich in vitamins, and the green pulp left attached to the peel has the highest concentration. Scrape off the pulp, and apply it […]
By Walakira on March 7, 2013
damage, running water, skin, treatment
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
If a baby chokes, hold him up-side down and part pat between the shoulder blades to dislodge the foreign body from the windpipe. If the object doesn’t come out, seek medical aid immediately. But Burns need urgent treatment to minimise risks of infection. Burns involving only damage of the skin can be treated at home […]
By Walakira on February 21, 2013
Causes, doctor, infection, skin
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Some women develop some painless swollen lumps on the lips of their vagina. They apply candiderm cream in vain. One of the common causes of lumps on the vagina is cysts. Cysts are blocked glands that usually swell and become painful. Cysts look like pimples and cause pain and pressure. For large and painful […]
By Walakira on February 15, 2013
blood, body, mineral, skin
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
There are many anti-depressive therapies that use salt in order to preserve the serotonin and melatonin (Neuro transmitters) levels in the brain. The reason rock salt is considered a main anti-stress compound is because it has minerals that help exfoliate dead skin [cells], cleanse skin pores and protect the skin resulting in a healthy […]
By Walakira on February 15, 2013
blood, body, mineral, skin
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath, Stories Unusual
There are many anti-depressive therapies that use salt in order to preserve the serotonin and melatonin (Neuro transmitters) levels in the brain. The reason rock salt is considered a main anti-stress compound is because it has minerals that help exfoliate dead skin [cells], cleanse skin pores and protect the skin resulting in a healthy […]
By Walakira on February 14, 2013
disease, loss, pain, skin
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
The symptoms of parasites are loss of appetite, fatigue, constipation, depressed immunity, food allergy, fever, chills, heartburn, stomach pain, inflammatory bowel disease and lower back pain. Other symptoms are itchy anus, rash and skin itching, hives, weight loss, Arthritis, bloody stools, mucus in stool, colitis, crohn’s disease, flatulence, foul-smelling stools, malabsorption, rectal bleeding, mood changes […]
By Walakira on February 6, 2013
Causes, private parts, skin, water
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Yeast infections and other vaginal infections, including sexually transmitted diseases (STDS), Vaginal itching can arise due to chemical irritants that may be found in detergents or soaps, douches and vaginal creams, toilet papers, bath products, femine hygiene products and vaginal contraceptive products can cause private parts itching. Women in the menopause transition may experience vaginal […]
By Walakira on February 6, 2013
diseases, infection, knickers, skin
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Women under garments (read knickers or G. Strings), according to reproductive specialists, have serious dangers. Scientists say that friction caused by G. strings can transfer germs from the woman’s anus to the private parts and urethra to cause urinary track infections. Other infections G. strings transfers are candididiasis, virginal infections and cystitis urethratis. The […]
By Walakira on February 5, 2013
acids, head, imbalance, skin
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
ROSACEA is an inflammatory skin disorder in which the nose, the cheeks, the fore head and or the chin are chronically reddened and prone to breaking out in acne-like welts. It is caused by repeated exposure to rosacea triggers such as alcohol, wind, sun, and low levels of stomach acids. Constipation, a diet that is […]
By Walakira on February 4, 2013
condition, exposure, skin, water
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Some people react to water. This condition is known as aqua genic pruritus. This condition results from exposure to water of a given temperature. Symptoms of skin itch include burning, bumpy and itchy red rash. The effects of reactions to water may last 10 minutes to two hours. American studies suggest that it is a […]