By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
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Opportunities & Awards
CODESRIA Small Grants for Thesis Writing: The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) runs an annual competition under its Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing. The grants are designed to contribute to the development of the social sciences in Africa, and the continuous renewal and strengthening of research capacities in […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
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Opportunities & Awards
The Africa Thesis Award: Are you interested in Africa and have you written your Masters thesis on an African-related subject? The African Studies Centre (ASC), the Netherlands institute for Southern Africa (NiZA) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) are offering you the chance to win €4000 in The […]
By Gerald Businge on February 16, 2012
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Sciences Scholarships
International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants: Applications for International Foundation for Science (IFS) Research Grants are welcome from young scientists in developing countries to do research on the sustainable management, use or conservation of biological or water resources. Grant amount: 12 000 USD An eligible candidate for an IFS Research grant is; A citizen of […]