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who is jane kibirige, the new clerk to uganda parliament? by gerald businge on january 31, 2012 clerk , dr charles , february 7th , higher education management , jane kibirige , masters degree , mbarara university , ms kibirige , office ms , parliamentary service , president museveni , speaker of parliament , uganda parliament , university secretary celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. president museveni has given ms jane kibirige a four year term as the new clerk to parliament. the constitution of uganda gives the president the power of setting the number of years a clerk shall serve. ms kibirige starts work on february 7th 2012. kibirige has already handed over her former office atmbararauniversity in preparation […].
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museveni appoints woman to head parliament. by gerald businge on january 31, 2012 acceptance letter , aeneas , chief executive officer , deputies , duties , four months , head , kaija , kwamya , legislative duties , letter , museveni , number , office , parliamentary service , president museveni , relations , service ms , speaker , speaker of parliament , task , woman , yesterday celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. president museveni has appointed a woman as the de-facto chief executive officer of the uganda parliamentary service. ms jane kibirige was appointed yesterday. this brings the number of women in the top administration of parliament to three. others are rebecca kadaga, the speaker of parliament and helen kaweesa who is the public relations officer of […].
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paul wabwire replaces former clerk to parliament aeneas tandekwire. by gerald businge on january 4, 2012 accounting , appointment , chris kijja , clerk , constitution , consultation , deputy , deputy clerk , former , house , official , parliament , parliamentary affairs , paul wabwire , president , president museveni , public service commission , rebecca , speaker of parliament , time , ugandaparliament celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news , stories unusual. former clerk to parliament aeneas tandekwire has been replaced by the parliamentary deputy clerk in charge of administration and services mr. chris kijja and his second deputy paul wabwire. the two will run the parliamentary affairs in an acting capacity as the house awaits the official appointment of a substantive clerk to parliament by president […].
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uganda parliament to host inter parliament union. by gerald businge on december 20, 2011 country , delegates , dialogue , european countries , focal point , inter , inter parliamentary union , march , october , parliament , parliamentary , point , rebecca , speaker of parliament , stiff competition , time , uganda , uganda parliament , ugandans , union , union meeting , union ms celebrity gigs , gossip , latest uganda news. the parliament of uganda will host the 126th inter parliamentary union meeting from march 31 to april 4th, 2012 in kampala. uganda speaker of parliament rebecca kadaga tells us that uganda parliament is ready to receive the over 1500 delegates from 160 countries during the inter parliament union. ms kadaga says that even all ugandans […].
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nabagereka launches maternal and child health campaign. by gerald businge on december 10, 2011 achieving the millennium development goals , campaign , child , child mortality , development , education , fight , fight corruption , health campaign , hon , lady sylvia , maternal and child health , maternal deaths , millennium , millennium development goals , national health sector , parliament , queen , sector , speaker of parliament , unemployment latest uganda news. the queen of buganda lady sylvia nagginda has launched the global fight action on maternal and child health campaign with an aim of achieving the millennium development goals. the mdgs that are set to be achieved through the campaign include strengthening of gender equitable national health sector action plans, ensuring health plans, reducing maternal deaths […].
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uganda parliament to get alternate panel of speakers. by gerald businge on december 10, 2011 alteration , army , business , commencement , definition of contempt , deputy speaker , discipline , electronic gadgets , fox odoi , house , legislative assembly , legislators , odoi , panel , parliament , parliamentary , parliamentary business , parliamentary privilege , parliamentary rules , privileges , rules committee , speaker of parliament , west budama latest uganda news. parliament will soon appoint a panel of speakers to preside over the house in the absence of the speaker and deputy speaker. this is contained among several proposals tabled by the parliament standing committee on rules privileges and discipline in parliament. the committee chaired by west budama north mp fox odoi proposes that four assistant speakers […].
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kadaga appeals for early cancer screening. by gerald businge on december 7, 2011 auto , blood donation , cervical cancer , cervical cancer screening , consumption , disease , draft , fatty foods , inauguration , lifestyle changes , male circumcision , manifesto , medical science , order , parliamentary commission , president , science providers , smoking , speaker of parliament , tasting , vaccination , way latest uganda news. the speaker of parliament rebecca kadaga has called for a mandatory tasting for cancer in uganda as way of combating the disease in the country. speaking at the inauguration of health week in the parliamentary commission kadaga said that the proposal for mandatory tasting was made last year but government is yet to take action. […].
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women organizations come to kadaga’s defense over embezzlement allegations. by gerald businge on november 25, 2011 allegations , association , betty amongo , cause , chairperson , chief executive officer , donor funds , embezzlement , fida , integrity , organization , parliament , parliament speaker , parliamentary , parliamentary association , parliamentary debates , rebecca kadaga , speaker of parliament , time , today , uwonet , uwopa , way , women latest uganda news , politics. a number of women organizations have today come out strongly to defend what they termed as the good record of parliament speaker rebecca kadaga which they say is being soiled by politicians unhappy about the independent way she is handling parliamentary debates. led y the uganda women’s network, the women organsitions said the recent attacks […].
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clerk to parliament aeneas tandekwire replaced. by gerald businge on november 23, 2011 accounting , aeneas , aeneas tandekwire , appointment , article , chris kaija , clerk to parliament , deputy clerk , former , house , media , museveni , parliament , parliamentary affairs , president , president museveni , public service commission , rebecca , speaker , speaker of parliament , uganda constitution gossip , latest uganda news. former clerk to parliament aeneas tandekwire has been replaced by the parliamentary deputy clerk in charge of administration and services mr. chris kajja and his second deputy paul wabwire. the two will run the parliamentary affairs in an acting capacity as the house awaits the official appointment of a substantive clerk to parliament by president […].
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parliament rules committee apologises to vice president. by gerald businge on november 22, 2011 apologises , assistance , bribery , contempt , fox odoi , fredrick , issue , judge george , kiwanuka , members of parliament , mps , need , odoi , oil , parliament , person , president , rules committee , speaker of parliament , uganda parliament , vice , vice president edward latest uganda news. the members of parliament on rules, privileges and discipline have apologized to the vice president edward kiwanuka sekandi foe directing to him summons to appear the committee to enable them understand whether the refusal of two minister accused of oil bribery not to step aside was a contempt of parliament. the mps on this […].
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