By Samuel Wamuttu on July 15, 2016
DFCU Bank, Housing Finance Bank, Mityana district, Namulanda village, NIC Bank, Rotary Club of Kampala North, Skills, stanbic bank, Youth enterprenuership
Business news, Latest Uganda News

A new multi-billion complex expected to equip over one thousand youths in business, agriculture and entrepreneurship skills is under construction in Mityana district with support from the Rotary Club of Kampala North. The center estimated to cost over $2millon (About 8.5 billion Uganda shillings) will sit on a 20 acre peace of land at Namulamba […]
By Gerald Businge on February 23, 2012
access, borrower, Capital, Centenary, creation, development, eligible businesses, employment, finance minister, Fund, kiwanuka, loan, loan period, minister, Minister of Finance, ministerial statement, MPs, road, saccos, Stanbic, stanbic bank, venture capital fund, youth, youth entrepreneurs
Business & Finance, Latest Uganda News, Politics

MPS have thrown out the ministerial statement of the minister of finance on the youth venture capital fund meant for youth entrepreneurs. This came after the minister of finance; planning and Economic Development Maria Kiawanuka Nabasirye failed to convince them on the friendly modalities on how the youth can access funds for job creation. The […]
By Gerald Businge on January 12, 2012
Baryamureeba, chancellor, Cyriaco, dean of students, desk, detectives, dime, disappearance, finance minister, guild leadership, guild president, informers, Kabagambe, Makerere Guild, MakerereUniversitystudents, news desk, shillings, signatories, Stanbic, stanbic bank, Venancious
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
MakerereUniversitystudents Guild leadership is in total trouble after over 34 millionUgandashillings went missing from the guild account. Sources have told our informers that the dime went missing last week and the police have started probing the disappearance of this huge some of money. An informer with Uganda Police has told our news desk that they […]
By Gerald Businge on December 8, 2011
Auto, awe, brig, brigadier, business, counter, currency, Draft, former health, happy man, Health, health minister, minister, pajero, shock, shock and awe, smiles, staff, stanbic bank, standstill, surveillance, Ugandan, yesterday
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Intelligence note, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Brig. Henry Tumukunde these days he is a happy man indeed. Our surveillance staff who followed Tumukunde to stanbic bank main branch yesterday were left in shock and awe when the brigadier approached the bank counter and unleashed several 100 US dollars to have them exchanged to Ugandan cash. Tumukunde went to the bank in […]
By Gerald Businge on December 7, 2011
bank, bonus shares, Capital, Capital Markets Authority, cma, Communications, communications manager, effect, investors, kampala, manager, Moureen, Nakyanzi, requirement, shareholders, Stanbic, stanbic bank, uganda
Latest Uganda News
Stanbic Bank Uganda has started issuing bonus shares to some of its investors as the institution seeks to grow its capital base to match well with the Bank of Uganda capital requirement. This has come after the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) cleared Stanbic Bank last month to issue 5,118,866,970 shares to its listed shareholders. The […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
Auto, Baryamureeba, chancellor, Cyriaco, dean of students, desk, dime, disappearance, Draft, finance minister, guild leadership, guild president, informers, Kabagambe, Makerere University, news desk, shillings, signatories, Stanbic, stanbic bank, University, Venancious
Latest Uganda News
Makerere University students Guild leadership is in total trouble after over 34 million Uganda shillings went missing from the guild account. Sources have told our informers that the dime went missing last week and the police have started probing the disappearance of this huge some of money. An informer with Uganda Police has told our news desk that they […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
academic, academic registrar, Account, admission, admission requirement, Auto, Departmental, departmental account, Draft, entry scheme, Kyambogo University, Kyambogo University courses, Kyambogo University Tuition fees, private sponsorship, receipt, refundable fee, requirement documents, Shs, sponsorship, Stanbic, stanbic bank, tuition, University, university cashier
Public Platform, Reports & lists
The Academic Registrar Kyambogo University invites applicants for private sponsorship admissions to the following undergraduate programmes for 2011/2012 academic year under the Direct Entry Scheme (O’ and A’ Level leavers only). A non-refundable fee of Shs.25,000/= for (Ugandans) and $ 30 (International applicants), bank charges inclusive, must be paid at any Stanbic Bank, on the Kyambogo University […]