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new drug may be more effective at preventing malaria in pregnant women. by emma laura n. kisa september 30, 2015 0 photo: echwalu photography malaria is a mass killer that every family in africa dreads. in 2013 statistics showed that about 3.2 billion people – almost half of the world's population.
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daily iron supplementation during pregnancy does not result in increased risk of malaria – study says. by emma laura n. kisa september 10, 2015 0 a study published september 8th, 2015 in jama - journal of the american medical association, has established that daily iron supplementation during pregnancy did not result in an increased risk.
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study shows new reason you should get enough sleep. by emma laura n. kisa may 8, 2015 0 a new study done at washington state university and concluded early may 2015 has found yet another reason we should be getting enough sleep. the research states that ‘the difference between.
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. by john isma april 24, 2013 0 fully funded distance learning scholarships: fully funded distance learning scholarships available for scholars in east and southern african commonwealth countries to study the msc in education for sustainability at london.
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study in singapore under the nanyang undergraduate scholarships for international students 2013. by gerald businge february 7, 2013 0 nanyang technological university is pleased to announce to reward academic excellence and operates an extensive scholarship programme for international undergraduate students. these scholarships are fully funded and cover up to the normal programme duration.
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applications needed for scholarships to study in holland. by editor1 august 13, 2012 3 scholarships for study in holland: the main organization managing information about scholarships in holland is nuffic, the netherlands’ organization for international cooperation in higher education. up to date information on.
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study for masters in european public health scholarships. by editor1 august 10, 2012 2 students from all around the world with different subject backgrounds are welcome to apply for ma in european public health scholarships. the master provides a high level education in public.
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study at kenyan universities for access scholarship. by editor1 august 10, 2012 0 acces scholarship program: the african canadian continuing education society (acces) is a non-profit agency that supports kenyan students by providing post-secondary scholarships. the mission of frican canadian continuing education society.
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study tourism management in diploma in hospitality. by editor1 august 9, 2012 0 diploma in hospitality and tourism management scholarships: austrian development cooperation (adc) provides scholarships for: 8-months diploma course for higher qualification offering specialization in: hospitality management, tourism management. 9-months teachers training.
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study masters in transitional trade law and finance. by editor1 august 9, 2012 0 the eropean master’s in transnational trade law and finance (emttlf) has been selected by the european commission among the erasmus mundus masters courses for five years. this implies that the.
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