By Walakira on February 19, 2013
fatigue, stay, stomach, Symptoms
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Symptoms of motion sickness are Queasiness, nausea, cold sweats, dizziness, rapid breathing, fatigue, vomiting and loss of coordination. Scientists recommend that a person suffering from motion sickness should eat lightly before trip and while traveling. Soups and steamed vegetables will help your stomach stay calm. If you are taking a trip on a commercial airliner, […]
By Walakira on February 13, 2013
organs, Parasites, Symptoms, treatment
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Parasites (intestinal): Microorganisms naturally inhabit and move through the body. Some are harmless, while others cause sickness. Infections can occur when parasites make their homes in your skin, gastrointestinal track, lungs, liver and other organs. Parasites are caused by contaminated food or water, a weakened immune system, dysbiosis [imbalanced gut flora]. Ends
By Walakira on February 12, 2013
experience, one, stroke, Symptoms
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath, Stories Unusual
You should change your life style. If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or high cholesterol levels, keep them under control. About 30 minutes of exercise daily a least 5 days a week will be good. Try to lose weight in case of obesity. SYMPTOMS OF STROKE: You may experience a […]
By Walakira on February 11, 2013
body, prevention, Symptoms, water
Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Parkinson’s disease is a kind of paralysis, especially of old people in which the muscles become stiff and the limbs continually shake. It is also a chronic, degenerative disorder of the nervous system, in which voluntary movement is impaired or lost. Although it may come to affect the entire body, it most noticeably […]
By Walakira on February 8, 2013
Dr, poisoning, pregnant women, Symptoms
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath
Food poisoning is an acute intestinal illness that results from eating food that contains harmful chemicals some of which are bacterial and others viral. Our food can be contaminated at any stage, be it harvesting, production, processing, storage and or cooking, as Dr. George Wamuyu, the Child Health and Nutrition adviser at the […]
By Walakira on February 6, 2013
absence, age, concentration, Symptoms
Gossip, Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath, Stories Unusual
The cause of autism is not known although studies in most universities around the world including Oxford University point to genetic and environmental changes. In Buganda kingdom (located in the central part of the current day Republic of Uganda), Autism is known as “KASIRU” or ZONTO. Its symptoms may appear during infancy and the […]
By Walakira on September 25, 2012
blood, cause, kidney stones, Symptoms
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Symptoms of kidney stones are pain on one side of the lower back, in the belly and down into the groin. Other symptoms include a frequent urge to urinate, blood and sediment in the urine, nausea and vomiting, chill and fever (if the kidney stones cause a blockage and an inflection). The root causes of […]
By Walakira on August 10, 2012
circulation, infection, period, Symptoms
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Symptoms of osteomyelitis are many. They develop and stay for over a relatively some period. Acute osteomyelitis is difficult to determine because people relate it to trauma or a child falling down. The major signs of osteomyelitis include: pain in the affected bone, tenderness to pressure and arise in temperature over the infected area. […]
By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2012
anaemia, arms and legs, body, bone tenderness, bone tumours, bones of the body, cancer pain, fatigue, fever, loss, lungs, pain, problem, sarcoma, Symptoms, symptoms of bone cancer, type, weight
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Symptoms of bone cancer: pain and swelling below the knee is the commonest. It most often occurs in long bones of the body (arms and legs). However not all bone tumours are cancerous. Bone tenderness sometimes is due to weakness. Non-specific symptoms of bone cancer are fever, unintentional weight loss, fatigue and anaemia! Bone […]
By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2012
anaemia, arms and legs, body, bone cancer symptoms, bone tenderness, bone tumours, bones of the body, cancer pain, fatigue, fever, loss, lungs, pain, risk, sarcoma, Symptoms, symptoms of bone cancer, type, weight
Health, Misc
Symptoms of bone cancer: pain and swelling below the knee is the commonest. It most often occurs in long bones of the body (arms and legs). However not all bone tumours are cancerous. Bone tenderness sometimes is due to weakness. Non-specific symptoms of bone cancer are fever, unintentional weight loss, fatigue and anaemia! Bone cancer […]