By Gerald Businge on December 17, 2011
Amama Mbabazi, bribe, Deputy Speaker, john patrick, Mbabazi, Member, member of parliament, MPs, oil, petition, petitioners, prime minister john, region, resolution, saga, scandal, Tallow, Temangalo, woman, woman member, youth member
Latest Uganda News
Residents of kinkizi west have petitioned parliament demanding for the prosecution of the youth Member of parliament for western region Gerald Karunga and all members who have been pinning their Member of parliament and prime minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi for taking oil bribe from Tallow. The residents who were led by the kanungu woman Member of parliament […]
By Gerald Businge on December 1, 2011
amama, Amama Mbabazi, break, corruption in uganda, hoc committee, John, john patrick, land, land transaction, minute, nbsp, oil, oil sector, prime minister john, regularization, saying, sector, self, self defence, Temangalo, transaction, willing buyer
Latest Uganda News
The Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi has blasted whoever is calling him corrupt saying such people are idiots. Mbabazi who had come to present a self defence before the Parliamentary ad hoc committee on the regularization of the oil sector says many people have branded him corrupt whereas he is not. The Prime minister […]