By Gerald Businge on February 23, 2012
Area, Author, award, background publications, cad 2, Congress, congress organizers, father, grant, Korea, korea student, one, program stage, seoul south korea, Society, student, Study, thesis dissertation, time, travel, travel grant application, University, University of Nairobi, world congress of gerontology
Masters Scholarships
The George Frank Student Travel Grant, established in 2009, is sponsored by Dr. Christopher Frank, President of the Canadian Geriatrics Society in memory of his father, Dr. George frank, who taught at the University of Nairobi medical school in the 1960s. The grant, valued at CAD 2,000 (two thousand Canadian Dollars) provides funding to support […]
By Gerald Businge on February 21, 2012
acquisition, Africa, African, african universities, analysis, application, award, basis, Council, development, equivalent, grants research, interest, mphil theses, scholarly publishers, Social, social science fields, social science research, strengthening, theses and dissertations, thesis dissertation, thesis writing, writing grants
Opportunities & Awards
CODESRIA Small Grants for Thesis Writing: The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) runs an annual competition under its Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing. The grants are designed to contribute to the development of the social sciences in Africa, and the continuous renewal and strengthening of research capacities in […]