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Police continue investigating trafficking of Ugandan girls to Saudi Arabia

Police continue investigating trafficking of Ugandan girls to Saudi Arabia

Police has  transferred to the Director of public prosecutions six case files of suspects alleged to be trafficking Ugandan girls to Saudi Arabia. Currently police is holding Halima Abdullah who is said to be running supreme security agency, one of the companies that export labor. The police spokesperson Fred Enanga said that this group has been […]

East African Legislative Assembly passes motion on human trafficking

East African Legislative Assembly passes motion on human trafficking

East African Legislative Assembly has passed a motion that prevents trafficking of persons, protects victims of crime of trafficking and prosecution of the culprits of trafficking in persons in East Africa. The motion has been moved by Uganda’s EALA representative Dora Byamukama and seconded by EALA Burundi MP Frederick Ngenzebuhoro during a session chaired by […]

Call for proposals at UN.GIFT Small Grants

UN.GIFT Small Grants: UN.GIFT has established a Small Grants Facility with the overall objective to increase and improve support structures for victims of human trafficking around the world. Through a Call for Proposals, relevant organizations will be identified and the most promising projects will be selected. Civil society organizations will receive grants either to sustain […]

MPs want Uganda prisoners abroad to be repatriated

Members of Parliament want government to enter into treaties with other countries to repatriate Ugandans prisoners currently held in foreign prisons. Mukono Municipality MP, Betty Nambooze Bakireke notes that countries such as Malaysia and China are holding in custody several Ugandans on charges of drug trafficking, murder and other crimes. Nambooze says efforts by some […]

Government to define what constitutes pornography

Government ofUgandahas finally decided to come out publicly and explain to Ugandans what constitutes pornography. Information Minister, Karooro Okuruti says that perhaps this will stop Ugandans from promoting pornography. She says that the government is going to explain pornography in both print and electronic mediums. Karooro also says that the government is drafting a bill […]

Government to define what constitutes pornography

The Government of Uganda has finally decided to come out publicly and explain to Ugandans what constitutes pornography. Information Minister, Karooro Okuruti says that perhaps this will stop Ugandans from promoting pornography. She says that the government is going to explain pornography in both print and electronic mediums. Karooro also says that the government is drafting a […]

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