By Isaac Senabulya on October 21, 2015
Ministry of Gender, Persons with disability, Uganda Society for Disabled Children, UNICEF
Health, Health & Medical, Health tips, Latest Uganda News, Personal Helath

As the numbers of persons with disability continue to rise globally, Uganda society for disabled children (USDC), an organization that helps disabled children in the country, is asking government and other stake holders to put in more resources to address the situation. Uganda society for disabled children program officer Geoffrey Katende says that much as the […]
By Isaac Senabulya on May 19, 2015
Penalties to parents, Uganda Society for Disabled Children

Civil society organizations advocating for the rights of disabled children wants a penalty to be put in the children’s act for parents who neglect their disabled children. The civil societies for the disabled are gathering views which they will take to the gender committee of parliament which is currently looking at the children amendment bill. […]