By Tumwine Edward on November 26, 2018
Africell, airtel, Derrick Senyonga, Gerald Businge, MTN, MTN Uganda, research, Telecoms, UCC, Uganda Telecom, Ultimate Multimedia Consult, UMC, utl
General, Media & Communication, PR, Journalism, Communication, Technology

A new research has called for more public scrutiny of the work, services and products of telecom companies in Uganda in order to ensure Ugandans are getting value for their money. The research tracked newspaper and online media coverage of telecoms including MTN Uganda, Airtel, Africell and Uganda Telecom from January to June 2018. In […]
By Walakira on September 26, 2012
broadcast, country, network, Uganda Telecom
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Uganda Telecom is currently experiencing an unscheduled outage on part of it’s central network. The development is affecting some groups of prepaid customers across the country. The company has apologized to its affected customers for any inconvenience and assured them that all its efforts are focused entirely on restoring service. We shall broadcast again to […]
By Gerald Businge on March 14, 2012
Airetel, airtel, Computer, East African Countries, explanation, internet, internet cafes, interruption, Kenya, MTN, orange telecom, republic, republic of uganda, rwanda burundi, service interruption, service interruptions, training, uganda, Uganda Telecom, utl, Vodacom, Warid Telecom, website, website designers
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Latest Uganda News, Stories Unusual
Millions of people in the East African Countries of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania are experiencing internet service interruptions and businesses relying on internet services are about to collapse. Such businesses include computer service centres, computer training centres, website designers and internet cafes. The owners of businesses relying on internet for survival have […]
By Gerald Businge on November 22, 2011
airtel, basis, exploitation, government, mobile phone service, mobile phone service providers, Nyombi, Nyombi Tenbo, operation, phone, phone service providers, state minister, Telecom, telecommunication, telecommunication companies, telecommunications industry, Telephone, telephone companies, Thembo, Uganda Telecom, Uganda telecom companies, Uganda telecomunication, warid
Latest Uganda News
Ultimate Media The government has said that it will not renew the licenses of the mobile phone service providers if they do not improve services for their customers. The ICT State Minister, Nyombi Thembo while talking at the meeting of telecommunication companies in Kampala said that there are many reports from the general public complaining […]
By Gerald Businge on November 14, 2011
advert, agreement, Auto, boss, business, Draft, Elyt Magazine, Magazine, misunderstandings, money, remit, Sean Ndaula, selling, shop, sponsor, story, Uganda Telecom
The readers of Elyt magazine who have been wondering what happened to it we are here to tell you the real story. The former employees of Elyt magazine have informed us that the magazine closed shop after its main sponsor quit the business. Even though the magazine was reported not to be selling, the sponsor […]
By Gerald Businge on March 10, 2011
interconnection fees Uganda, MTN Uganda, Uganda Communications Commission, Uganda Telecom, Utl MTn dispute
Business & Finance, Business news, ICTs, Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery
Uganda Telecom has said it does not owe MTN Uganda the 20 billion shillings that MTN Uganda claimed has caused it to consider terminating interconnection calls with UTL. Uganda Telecom today issued a statement saying they have paid all interconnection fees due to MTN in November 2010 and January 2011. “There is however […]
By Gerald Businge on November 21, 2010
MTN Uganda, Orange Uganda, Uganda Telecom, Warid Telecom, Zain Uganda
Business & Finance, Business news, Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery
As Ugandans get used to the high mobile telecom competition through call rate offers, Zain Uganda has jumped to another aspect, offering the lowest possible airtime to buy on the market. The Managing Director of Zain Uganda, Yesse Oenga today launched the 200 Uganda shillings recharge card to enable Zain subscribers buy airtime at the […]
By Gerald Businge on June 28, 2010
mobile airtime charges in Uganda, Uganda airtime denominations, Uganda Telecom
Business news, Latest Uganda News
Uganda Telecommunication Company popularly known as mango in some circles has joined other telecommunication companies in the country by introducing a 500 shillings airtime card. Uganda telecom now has airtime card from 500, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000 shillings. It had been the only telecommunication company in Uganda that did not have the 500 […]
By Gerald Businge on June 7, 2010
mobile phone market Uganda, mobile telecom competition in Uganda, MTN Uganda, Orange Uganda, Uganda Telecom, Warid Telecom, Zain Uganda
Business news, Latest Uganda News
Ugandan mobile phone users can now sit back and smile as mobile telephone companies continue to make offers as competition in the mobile telephone industry intensifies. Zain Uganda on Monday announced it is offering 25 minutes to any of its subscribers who load 500 Uganda shillings, and an additional 30 free short message service or […]