By Gerald Businge on October 16, 2011
Activists for Change, President Yoweri Museveni, walk to work
Latest Uganda News
President Yoweri Museveni has warned Action for Change activists against their planned resumption of walk to work protests which he says are aimed at disruption senior four and senior six exams which are set to begin on Monday October 17th. This follows an announcement by A4C coordinator Mathias Mpuga that they are resuming their wal […]
By Gerald Businge on October 14, 2011
Mathias Mpuga, Uganda protests, walk to work, walk2work
Latest Uganda News
Activists for change (A4C) has today officially announced the launch of its second phase of the walk to work campaign slated to start on Monday 17th and Thursday October 2011. The leaders of the pressure group said today that the week long walk to work exercise will end in a massive rally at Kololo on Saturday next week. Speaking at […]
By Gerald Businge on August 15, 2011
Uganda protests, walk to work, walk2work
Latest Uganda News
Relatives of people who were killed during the April walk to work protest are demanding compensation from government. The people who were this evening meeting the Security minister Muruli Mukasa says the children and family members who were depending on those who died are helpless because they dont have any source of income. One of relatives […]
By Gerald Businge on May 3, 2011
Activists for Change, Mathias Mpuga, Uganda demonstration, Uganda protests, walk to work, walk2work to
Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
The Activists for Change have vowed not to rescind in their walk to work campaign until the Government comes up with a solution for the cause. The A4C National Co-coordinator Mathias Mpuuga has hailed the campaign saying it has borne fruits including the International Recognition set for an agenda and the public have not been […]
By Gerald Businge on April 16, 2011
President Yoweri Museveni, Uganda demonstration, Uganda protests, uganda riots, walk to work, walk2work to
Featured, Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
President Yoweri Museveni has laughed off opposition plans to hold more walk to work protests saying the government’s security organs had finalized plans to ensure no such protests take place. Addressing a news conference at his country home in Rwakitura about the recent walk to work protests (which he mostly referred to as riots), Museveni […]
By Gerald Businge on April 16, 2011
Activists for Change, Mathias Mpuga, Uganda demonstration, Uganda protests, walk to work, walk2work to
Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
The opposition members under their Action for change a pressure group have vowed to go ahead with their planned walk to work protest next Monday in protest against high food, fuel prices and other basic commodities. The coordinator of the group, Mathias Mpuga Nsamba called has condemned the police and the military for its coercive […]
By Gerald Businge on April 14, 2011
Dr. Kizza Besigye, Uganda demonstration, Uganda Police, Uganda protests, walk to work
Featured, Latest Uganda News, Live Coverage, Media Gallery, Politics
Uganda is witnessing a second day of chaos and drama as the police once again try to stop opposition leaders who are walking to their places of work in the second day of “walk to work” protests by the opposition. The police Thursday morning stopped Forum for Democratic Change President Dr. Kizza besigye from walking […]
By Gerald Businge on April 12, 2011
Mark C. Toner, Uganda demonstration, Uganda opposition, Uganda protests, US on Uganda protests, US State Department, walk to work
Featured, Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
The United States government has expressed concern at the Ugandan government’s handling of a walk to wok protest by opposition politicians where many opposition leaders were arrested and charged on Monday. The US deputy spokesman for the State Department, Mark C. Toner says the US government is concerned about Monday’s arrest and charging of Forum […]
By Gerald Businge on April 12, 2011
Amnesty International, kale kayihura, Uganda demonstrations, Uganda opposition, Uganda protests, walk to work
Latest Uganda News, Media Gallery, Politics
International Human Rights body Amnesty International has asked the Uganda police to withdraw all charges put on opposition politicians arrested in Monday’s walk to work protest. This follows the arrest and charging of Forum for Democratic Change President, Dr. Kizza Besigye, Democratic Party President, Norbert Mao and several other top opposition politicians for what police […]