By Gerald Businge on December 6, 2011
album, Auto, bribery, byoyo, city, dish, Draft, election victory, first lady, former Vice President, launch, love, love life, Namubiru, parliamentary seat, president, radio presenter, sheila, side dish, singer, way
Celebrity gigs, Gossip, Stories Unusual
The reported love life between former Vice president, prof. Gilbert Bukenya and city musician Sheila Nvannungi seems to be at high speed now. Sheila and Bukenya were seen last night allover each other at Garuga in Entebbe looking like the man was president and woman ‘first lady.’ This report now cancels rumours that have gone […]
By Gerald Businge on December 6, 2011
Auto, change, close ties, democratic change, Donors, Draft, FDC, forum, funding, independent party, IPC, Kiiza Besigye, opposition, opposition parties, pressure, pressure group, ruling, SDP, Social Democratic party, SPD, way
Stories Unusual
We have heard that former Makindye East MP, Michael Mabikke has completely cut close ties with FDC because he is uncomfortable with the way FDC relates with other parties. To put it bluntly Mabikke is quitting the whole IPC coalition which brings together FDC, CP, Jeema and Suubi, a political pressure group. A source in […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Bishop, Buganda Kingdom, Catholic, catholic bishops, catholic diocese, deep trouble, Edward Sekandi, first instance, House, Jude, Jude Mbabaali, kiwanuka, Masaka, Mbabaali, petitioners, political rival, president, rival, time, trouble, vice president edward, way
Vice President, Edward Kiwanuka Sekandi is again in deep trouble with his main political rival in Bukoto central, Jude Mbabaali. This time, Sekandi’s problems arise after a group of voters in Bukoto Central re-petitioned the High Court seeking to have Sekandi out of parliament. In the first instance it was Mbabaali who petitioned court seeking […]
By Gerald Businge on November 25, 2011
allegations, association, Betty Amongo, cause, chairperson, chief executive officer, donor funds, embezzlement, fida, integrity, organization, Parliament, parliament Speaker, Parliamentary, parliamentary association, parliamentary debates, Rebecca Kadaga, Speaker of Parliament, time, today, UWONET, UWOPA, way, Women
Latest Uganda News, Politics
A number of Women organizations have today come out strongly to defend what they termed as the good record of Parliament Speaker Rebecca Kadaga which they say is being soiled by politicians unhappy about the independent way she is handling parliamentary debates. Led y the Uganda Women’s Network, the women organsitions said the recent attacks […]
By Gerald Businge on November 24, 2011
amidst, Council, Democratic Party, deputy, deputy lord mayor, district councilors, DP, Kawempe, KCCA, Kidandala, lord, NRM, organising secretary, party ticket, Resistance, Sulaiman, Sulaiman Kidandala, ticket, Uganda Social Democratic Party, way
Latest Uganda News
Although he is the deputy organising secretary of the Democratic Party, Sulaiman Kidandala has accepted to work with NRM councilors who are the majority in KCCA. Out of the 32 district councilors in KCCA, 8 are on Democratic Party ticket, two are on FDC ticket, two on independent and the rest are NRM. Kidandala who […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
birth, eagles, garment, Jackie Tusiime, kampala, knickers, Member, moral values, Obsession, obsessions, oli, revelers, Rouge, singing group, SONG, undergarment, way, website, yesterday
Latest Uganda News
We don’t know what is happening to Ugandan girls. Many of them have completely lost moral values. Yesterday we were shocked to see ms Jackie Tusiime, a popular member of The Obsessions all girls singing group displaying her under garment to whoever would want to see at Club Rouge in Kampala. Jackie had gone to Club […]
By Gerald Businge on November 23, 2011
akena, Apolo, bicycle, building, consumption, escalades, former president, fuel, habit, informers, James Akena, lira, milton obote, opposition politicians, parliamentary building, policemen, president, reducing fuel consumption, type, way, YEAR
Gossip, Latest Uganda News
Everyone would expect that a son to the former president of Uganda twice, Apolo Milton Obote, Jimmy Akena would be driving escalades to go to parliament but this is not the case for Akena. Our informers got the surprise of the day yesterday when Akena, who is the Lira Municipality MP, arrived at Uganda parliament riding a bicycle. Akena […]
By Gerald Businge on November 11, 2011
Auto, Butambala, Butambala district, chief administration officer, compensation, Construction, district chief, Draft, god, gravels, law, mandate, Media, money, officer, payment, quarries, RCC, Reynolds, reynolds construction company, way
Business & Finance, Business news, Latest Uganda News
Butambala district has asked Reynolds Construction Company (RCC) to pay it for the quarrying mines it has in the area. The Butambala district Chief Administration Officer, Joseph Byaruhanga says that they wrote to the RCC head offices asking for payment for the gravels but the company has declined to respond positively. According to Byaruhanga, RCC […]
By Gerald Businge on November 9, 2011
Appointments Committee, Auto, chairman, courts of law, Draft, James Ogoola, judge james, Judicial, judicial service, justice, justice Esther Kisakye, lady justice, magistrates, MPs, Parliament, parliamentary appointments, president, press, retirement, sector, Service, today, Uganda Judicial Service Commission, vacuums, way
Latest Uganda News
The parliamentary appointments committee has approved the former principal judge James Ogoola as the new chairman of the judicial service commission. This follows demands by mps to the president asking him to immediately appoint commissioners in the judicial service commission who can help to recruit judges in the courts. After a long period of this demand, […]
By Gerald Businge on November 9, 2011
abdu, award, case members, civil suit, commission of inquiry, concern, demand explanation, executive vehicles, former Vice President, influence, Inspector General of Government, issue, mailing, Members of Parliament, MPs, Parliament, president, Prof. Gilbert Bukenya, sanjay, scares, Shadow, way
Latest Uganda News
Members of Parliament have demand an explanation from Government over the Inspector General of Government (IGG)’s action of withdrawing charges against personalities without clear reasons. Parliament’s concern follow the recent sudden withdraw by the office of the IGG last Friday the case in which Prof. Gilbert Bukenya was accused of abuse of office over the […]