wilson road

Addresses of political parties in Uganda

1. Action Party [AP], P. O. Box 8401, Kampala 2. Activist Party,P. O. Box224780Mengo,Kampala 3. Bridge Party [BP], Plot 6CementCorporationBuilding.P. O. Box 31252Kampala Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO),P. O. Box 22061Kampala Conservative Party [CP],P. O. Box5145& 1604,Kampala 6. Democratic Party [DP], City House building inKampala 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU], Plot 54,Naguru Drive,P. O. Box 33243Kampala […]

Addresses of political parties in Uganda

1. Action Party [AP], P. O. Box 8401, Kampala 2. Activist Party,P. O. Box224780Mengo, Kampala 3. Bridge Party [BP], Plot 6CementCorporationBuilding.P. O. Box 31252 Kampala Congress Service Volunteers Organisation (COSEVO),P. O. Box 22061 Kampala Conservative Party [CP],P. O. Box5145& 1604, Kampala 6. Democratic Party [DP], City House building in Kampala 7. Farmers’ Party ofUganda[FPU], Plot […]

Thugs taking advantage of load shedding

 Police in Kampala have arrested 25 thugs who have been taking advantage of the power blackouts at night to terrorizing the city dwellers The groups who include women were arrested during a police operation yesterday night from the Dusta, William, and Wilson road in Kampala. According to the metropolitan police spokesperson IBin Senkumbi , these […]