By editor1 on July 16, 2012
December, following, package, Working
Africa scholarships, Arts/Humanities Scholarships
Working to Advance African Women Foundation Scholarship: Working to Advance African Women (WAAW) foundation scholarship program offers $500/year for need-based female African students admitted to a University, College or institute of higher learning in Africa. These scholarships for women in Africa are renewable annually, following proof of the student’s continued academic performance. Scholarships application […]
By Gerald Businge on June 4, 2012
application, architecture, cause, communications design, design architecture, disciplines, duration, experience, Information, internship, law, marketing management, organisational, research communications, rights of children, six months, time, Working, working children, working with children
Arts/Humanities Scholarships
CWC offers internship programmes for individuals of various disciplines from all over the world. These internships are tailor-made to match the qualifications and expertise of the applicant organisational requirements. The programmes are usually three to six months in duration. However, this varies according to the time available to the intern and the requirements of the […]
By Gerald Businge on March 21, 2012
application, candidate specification, experience, home, home jurisdiction, international lawyers, jurisdiction, leading law firms, minimum, placement, placement candidates, resolution, state lawyers, training, travel, UK, underground trains, visa fee, Work, Work Experience Placements, Working, written undertaking
Africa scholarships
Work Experience Placements in UK: Applications invited for 3 months training & work experience placements in London. International Lawyers for Africa (ILFA) is an initiative set up by leading law firms and academics, which aims to develop African lawyers’ legal skills in international law, banking and finance, corporate and commercial law and dispute resolution in […]
By Gerald Businge on November 29, 2011
Action, climate change, climate change summit, climate conference, climate negotiations, conference, Developing countries, dismay, Durban climate talks, fight, framework convention on climate change, G77, Group, hoc working group, kyoto protocol, level segment, news, president of south africa, progress, Science, Subsidiary, subsidiary body, united nations framework convention on climate change, Working
news & events
News Release: “The challenges and difficulties of these negotiations cannot be faced with dismay and must not lead us to give up without a fight,” said Ambassador Jorge Argüello the Chair of the G77 and China at the opening of the UN climate conference. “We hope all Parties will come to Durban prepared to make the […]